
Watch your step: here are the best pedometer apps for Android

Watch your step: here are the best pedometer apps for Android

To stay fit and healthy, it's recommended that we should walk at least 10,000 steps per day. Obviously, it would be unrealistic to keep track of every step you've taken, unless you have an ridiculously good memory and a lot of time on your hands. This is where pedometer apps come into play, so here is our list of the best.

How accurate are pedometers?

This list consists of well-designed pedometer apps that are accurate in comparison to the majority of others we've tested. Of course, you can't fully trust them to be 100 percent correct, especially considering that they are available for free.

Even when we walking the same amount of distance when comparing several apps at the same time, they didn't show the same figures. When we walked 100 steps, one app reported 90 steps and another said 170. Just like fitness tracking bracelets, pedometer apps on your smartphone can only give approximate values.

The accuracy can be improved with a little tinkering though: you can adjust the sensitivity of the step counter. Before you dive into a new pedometer app, you can test it with 100 or 200 steps, and adjust the sensitivity ​​for your smartphone until it becomes more accurate. Fortunately, the vast majority of apps will work offline, so no need to use up your data.

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Step counts can very greatly from app to app, for pedometers and full-featured fitness apps. / © NextPit

As a rule of thumb, take the numbers with a grain of salt and understand that they are just a guideline. If your step count is high, you've been moving around a lot. If the step count is low, get off the couch and go for a walk.

Most of the apps listed here do not offer any fitness features. If you are interested in detailed statistics, check out our overview of the best fitness apps for Android. These usually also have a step counter integrated.

Runtastic Steps

This app is very simple to use, but does exactly what you need. Stats are clear and easily accessible from the menu on the right, and it will automatically set you a daily goal and monitor your progress. In addition to your counted steps, the information will display the distance and calories burned.

It gets you motivated - encouraging a fit and healthy lifestyle through several other features such as a news feed, the ability to connect with your friends for motivation, and a structured plan if you want to set some goals for losing weight. Most of the core features are free, but you can upgrade to a pro version if you like. For this test, we used the standard features, and we definitely felt healthier after using it.

The app will set you a daily goal, provide you with stats, plus extra features / © NextPit

Pedometer & Weight Loss Coach (Pacer)

Pedometer and Weight Loss Coach by Pacer Health shows you how many steps you've taken and your distance covered. Also, you can enter your weight into the app (which is beautifully designed, by the way!), as well as your target goals. In addition, it keeps track of your progress over weeks and months.


The app does exactly what it promises: it counts your steps accurately. Set your gender, age, body size and weight, and the app calculates the individual number of steps you should try to reach per day. In the statistics you can display your progress for the day, week, month and year. All data can also be saved onto your MicroSD card or Google Drive. The app also calculates the calories burned by walking. For example, you have to complete about 900 steps to work off a cheeseburger. 

Accupedo does have a lot of annoying fullscreen ads though, but overall it's worth it for the accuracy. 


Here's another accurate step counter with a twist. It doesn't just display how many steps you walked though. It also tells you how many calories you've burned, the distance, walking time and miles per hour. It uses your weight, height, and age to track burned calories with accuracy. 

Simply select the Start button to start counting. The app is very practical: the recorded statistics and steps are easily accessible with one tap on the menu. Toggle between the day, week and month view tabs, and tap the graphs to display additional information. Also, you can customize the app's color scheme.

Noom Walk Pedometer

The Noom Walk Pedometer is a truly battery-saving app because it uses only the movement of the smartphone to count the steps, without accessing GPS services. The interface is spartan and the functions are stripped down to the basics. You can customize your settings, view progress for the day or week, and add notes. Connect with your friends and keep up with users from all over the world. 

Despite the minimal functionality, Noom is a great completely free option if you're looking for a pedometer that won't drain your battery.


Admittedly, this isn't quite the same as the other pedometers we've mentioned here, in the sense that it doesn't count every single step. It's the perfect alternative if you don't need too much precision. We liked the visual aspect and the focus on nature instead. It's perfect for if you're into walking outdoors and want an idea of how far you've traveled when you go on your adventures. 

Nevetheless, the result is the same. If you want to get outside and increase your fitness, this app help you do just that, without the meticulous counting of every step each day.

Have step counter apps helped you become more active? Are there any you'd recommend? We'd love to try them out. 

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