
Another privacy-orientated smartphone appears: Boeing Black

Another privacy-orientated smartphone appears: Boeing Black

 A few days ago, we were reporting on being able to pre-order the Black Phone, a smartphone designed from the ground up with privacy in mind.  With the rise of privacy concerns on the rise mainly due to the latest revelations of government spying and scandals, it seems that privacy is the next big thing when it comes to smartphones and of all manufacturers; the aerospace company Boeing is jumping on the bandwagon. The Boeing Black has been officially announced. 

Assembled in the USA and ready to self-destruct: the Boeing Black. © Boeing

The Boeing Black is powered by a dual-core 1.2 GHz ARM Cortex A9 processor, has a 4.3-inch scree with a resolution of 540x960 and comes in at 170 grams. There is support for LTE networks and also dual-sim cards.  While the hardware specifications found inside the device are by no means impressive, it is worth remember that this device is not directed for run of the mill consumers. With the Black, Boeing promises a level of design that delivers “ultra-high” security and is aimed more-so for government and military agencies….or perhaps just a very security orientated consumer.

Boeing has incorporated their own PureSecure architecture, similar to Samsung’s Knox, which would lock Android apps and data. As well, there is also hardware encryption, trusted boot technology, and a self-destruct feature. That’s right. A self-destruct feature. Supposedly, the Black is designed to erase all data and software in any case that someone tries to access the device by modifying the ROM or trying to crack a password via brute force methods. As if that were not enough, there is also a 24-pin connector that lets you connect specific hardware modules, such as an extra battery, a satellite radio and extra sensors.

While this might be piquing a few peoples curiosity, it is doubtful that Boeing will be offering the Black on the consumer market: it will most likely be destined for military and governmental functions. There is still no official word from Boeing as to what the price will be for the Black or when it will be exactly be released.

Via: Android Authority Source: Boeing

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  • Sorin Apr 9, 2018 Link to comment

    And price?!

  • CJ Brown Mar 6, 2014 Link to comment

    someone tell Lockheed there's a new stealth on the market ;-)

  • Anders Bagger Mar 2, 2014 Link to comment

    Check source and you will see.

  • My1 Mar 1, 2014 Link to comment

    Wait a sec, Boeing as in Boeing 747, as in the airplane builder?

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