HTC Sensation — Maps Updates result crashing and also facebook authentication problem

  • Replies:2
  • Forum posts: 2

Aug 16, 2012, 11:52:22 PM via Website

Hi guys,

I have bought this phone from someone from gumtree. i don't know if the phone is rooted, how do i know though? my android version is 4.0.3 and HTC Sense version is 3.6.
however. I have found some update for my Maps today. once i have installed it, the map is crashing and resulting the phone restart and also same time i receive a notification that my facebook authentication is failed...vlavlalvla.....
can someone help me out please...facebook authentication problem happened before as well so far i can remember. i have uninstalled the maps update, now the version is 6.6.0.

  • Forum posts: 1

Aug 17, 2012, 9:45:56 PM via Website

Known bug present in the most recent version of the fb app. Heaps of bad reviews in the play store regarding the same issue from sensation owners. Nothing to do with with your phone. Blame fb for the worst android app ever! Google maps, same ordeal. Bad bug is crashing the app and rebooting the phone.

If your phone is rooted, you should be happy to have it as such. Your phone is now free to delete, add, and chage what you want your phone to do as opposed to having your provider tell you what you can or can't do with the equipment you BOUGHT.

By chance your phone is not rooted, I would suggest taking the time to get it rooted. a good place to start for all questions regarding this phone can be found here...
