Nokia X — Application Needed for Samsung Galaxy Camera

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Apr 30, 2013, 11:49:39 PM via Website

Hi I'm looking for someone who can develop an application for me for the Samsung Galaxy Camera:

Need an application that enables me to take synchronized photographs across multiple cameras - controlled by series of setting on the "master" camera (settings based on altimeter reading, gyroscope reading, timer based, gps based and/or compass based)

Need an application that acts both as a master & slave
1) Installed on a the galaxy camera - application can be set in "master" or "slave" mode.
2) If set in "slave" mode - it should ask for the "IP" address or bluetooth address of the master
3) Slave should establish a "authentication" connection with the "master" and in case of success (on master application - user to manually permit "slave" or alternately "slave" mac or bluetooth hardware should be present in auto permit list) - "Master" registers presence of slave and vice-versa. "Slave" is then in ready mode
4) Master can then be programmed for a single shot or batch-mode shots. In either case - user can set the application to take synchronized photos across the multiple cameras based on the following parameter:
Time: In this case user can set a specific time (UTC or local time) in the future (as per master camera clock) master when it should fire the "shoot" signal across to all cameras. In batch mode, the number of time parameters can be provided and at each the master fires the "shoot" signal across to all cameras
Altimeter Reading: In this case the user can set height (in meters/cm/inches AMSL) and tolerance (i.e+/- x height) at which the master must fire the "shoot" signal across to all cameras. Suppose the height is set to 100ft and tolerance is set to 2ft- then when the master camera is anywhere from 98 to 102ft - it must fire a "shoot" signal to all slave cameras.
Speed / Velocity:In this case the user can set speed/velocity (in m/s, km/hr, km/minute, km/s, miles/s, miles/hr, miles/min) and tolerance. At when the GPS within the master camera records change in postion - that signifies that the speed of the master camera is at the specified speed +/- the tolerance - it should fire a "shoot" signal across to all slave cameras
GPS Position: Same as above

All synchronized shots across all master & slave cameras - should carry synchronized name (i.e lets say MasterPic1, Slave1Pic1, Slave2Pic1, etc). The name of the image can be a combination of the camera identity (Master, Slave1, Slave2, etc) and the date of pic and Parameters (i.e height or time or velocty - i.e any of the above parameters that initiated the "shoot" signal).

All the "synchronized" images must be automatically uploaded to the "master" camera and fed into one of the 3rd panorama application and stitched together to create a 360degree panorama view to be saved on the master.

I think the above should give a fair idea of the requirement.

  • Forum posts: 1

May 15, 2013, 9:27:42 AM via Website


Are you still looking for someone?

I am the developer of Oi! Reminders for Galaxy Note II, released this week on Google Play.

This project may be of interest to us. What kind of budget do you have? We can potentially come to an arrangement where you can have the work done cheaper, and we retain the right to market it to others. Or you may just want to pay for our time and retain full ownership.

You can contact me at at if you would like to discuss further.

Paul Andrews
Netralia Pty Ltd

  • Forum posts: 1

Aug 28, 2013, 3:51:39 PM via Website

Did you ever find someone to write your app?
I am a developer working with the galaxy camera for my own app
and would have applicable knowledge.

Andy Adler
