Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 — Can a form submit info to an access database?

  • Replies:1
  • Forum posts: 1

May 1, 2013, 5:16:34 PM via Website

I am creating a form for use on a Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0 for our field guys to enter data. I want the app to send the information to an Access database when they hit 'submit.' Being reatively new to app development, I wonder if this is this even possible...?

  • Forum posts: 3

May 28, 2013, 1:30:04 AM via Website

Erek Dorman
I am creating a form for use on a Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0 for our field guys to enter data. I want the app to send the information to an Access database when they hit 'submit.' Being reatively new to app development, I wonder if this is this even possible...?
