
  • Replies:2
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Sep 18, 2013, 4:42:34 PM via Website

Hi Community,

Here are the changes that the recent updates have made to the AndroidPIT App 2.0: The newest versions shall always be marked at the top:

New in v2.1.0:

New App Homepage
Introduction of navigation drawer
Thread title can be edited
Redesign of navigation in the thread view
Flicker seems to be finally resolved
Many other improvements

New features in V2.0.12:

Introduced Install button in articles

New in v2.0.11:

Tables in articles are displayed correctly

New in v2.0.10:

"More" button on home page are smaller and color-coded in accordance with the category (apps, news, forum)
No more duplicate threads in the thread list
In the thread list, time of the last contribution will only appear if it was made today (unfortunately not quite as agreed: there was a misunderstanding in implementation!)
Navigation in a thread not per action bar, but by dedicated navigation element
Number of pages is shown in a thread (with ''jump to page'' function)
Indication if forum entry was written with the app
"No Threads Available" display bug fixed
Refresh now works in articles
Inputting wrong information when logging in now always produces an error message
No more old articles in "hot discussion" on the home page
Search improved: terms are now searched for in the current category
Query can be edited in the search
New attempt to improve cache behavior
Eliminated various crashes

New in v2.0.9:

Welcome screen turned off
Layout of the thread list has been adapted (e.g. information on last post added)
Cache behavior of web views has been improved. Cache should now consume less space.
Fixed bugs:
- If the app was opened via a notification, it closes when the user clicks on the "back" button in the Action Bar
- On Home: when clicking on "More" button next to "hot discussion" just an article is displayed
- Tabs in the forum must be updated individually. Some of the tabs are inconsistent
- Loading animation not visible in subscribed threads
- If you scroll further in the forum, the new page loads at half height
- Keyboard hides text written in the box
- Links in article comments are not clickable
- After editing a forum post, I must first navigate to the contribution

New in v2.0.8:

When creating forum threads there is now more space for text entry (important for small displays)
Eliminated crashes when threads are created
Most active threads on the home screen are updated more frequently
Thread list entries have custom design
Thread view has custom design
Thread view indicates whether post has been edited (and when)
Missing xxhdpi Launcher Icon integrated
Links in articles now function
Fixed updating icon bug in the forum
Fixed Screenshot Galleries not always opening on the first page
Search results items have a new design
Clicking on the Recommended App notification works again
Various crashes have been fixed

New Functions in v2.0.7

Sharing articles works again
Jumping threads no longer by scrolling
Article cards have been set so that the picture is smaller and considerably defined from one another.
The edit icon in the forum has been replaced
various crashes have been resolved

New functions in v.2.0.6

There is no longer an icon for observing threads, only for the menu entries
When loading a thread, the navigation buttons will be deactivated
Screenshots will be shown in the old test reports again
The back button in threads had the wrong size in higher resolutions.
Various crashes were resolved.

New functions v.2.0.5

Various crashes were resolved
Bugs fixed
the inactive navigation buttons can be grayed out in the action bar instead of them completely disappearing

Assuming everyone already has the most recent versions, we haven't included past updates.
Please update the AndroidPIT App if you have not done so yet.


— modified on May 8, 2014, 12:20:20 PM by moderator


  • Forum posts: 14

Aug 1, 2016, 10:10:39 AM via Website

thanks :)
