[Time to have some Fun] What is Android?

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Nov 5, 2014, 7:09:56 AM via Website

I know most of the users over here will say it’s an operating system for low powered mobile devices.(cool) So, you guys are correct that Android is OS designed to power mobile devices but that’s a definition provided by search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo etc… :)

What I am talking about over here is what does Android means to you?;)

I guess most of you have understood my point what I am trying to ask over here, so let us play a game. You have to tell what does Android means to you? :D

(*)Like for me Android is a key to unlock “a whole new world of customization”(*)

-One entry per person, it means once you have posted you’re out of business. But you can always use “like” and “dislike” button in the bottom of the post to support or disagree.
- Repetitions isn’t allowed, like I have already said for me “it unlocks whole new world of customization” now no one can use customization. You have to think your own.
- Lastly but not the least be creative and have fun, let us see who has something different to speak out.

— modified on Nov 23, 2014, 11:37:21 AM

khumar pakhtoonSorinSaud Khan

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Nov 7, 2014, 1:14:52 PM via Website

Android for me is a challenge. I used to only develop web frameworks and websites. Later I found out that I had no joy developing those things anymore and wanted something more complicated with a higher difficulty rate of development and smaller/closer community.

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Mar 1, 2015, 6:01:49 PM via Website

for me android is OS , which give me chance to do something! And greate connected with Google services!

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Oct 17, 2015, 6:46:02 PM via Website

According to my understanding it's a middleware. Between user and device.

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Feb 22, 2016, 3:35:50 AM via Website

Excellent post. Very informative.

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Sep 7, 2017, 10:43:17 AM via Website

Android is an operating system, and it is a software and Linux based operating system for devices like mobiles, Laptops,computers and tablet etc..


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Dec 7, 2017, 2:40:37 AM via Website

Like the Samsung , HTC , Lg , Motorola and BB are Android operasting system ,
But the iPhone is not Android operasting system , :)

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Sep 1, 2018, 11:45:40 PM via App

Android is a "locked down version of Linxus 3 or what ever version of Linxus OS that is out there" and that is all it is, all it has ever been.

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Sep 2, 2018, 12:53:45 PM via Website

To me it's a wide open OS that links your apps to give you more versatility!
It also leaves you more vulnerable to hackers and scammers, and it leaves you at the mercy to underhanded technology companies like Google, who would send out updates and apps to the older devices designed to make them malfunction so you will go and purchase the new devices that they just released!
The Android is a fantastic Os , it's just too bad it's owned and operated by bandits like Google!
please forgive my sarcasm, but that's what Android means to me!

Now then if you believe what you hear on Star Trek...
A Android is a artificial life form!
Created by humans, which means it's superior but less perfect than humans! 🤔
According to Data!😁

— modified on Sep 2, 2018, 7:17:46 PM


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Sep 2, 2018, 4:41:50 PM via Website

A friend once told me how Android was an operating system.
The "operating" ?!, to operate what ?
I did not understand too much of his explanation, even if he tried to explain with all sorts of examples.
To distract me a bit and to upset him, I asked why Android is so stupid ?
I can not tell you which face she did. It seemed to me to be the same face as the question we asked her.
In order to understand better, I asked why this wonderful "operating system" is so poor in functions, it is incompatible with the programs I use on my desktop computer, and especially why the interface is so different at a smartphone and a tablet. I would have had questions, but I saw how he was already looking back, trying to understand if I was really joking or talking seriously.
I'm not interested in the difference between ROM and RAM, Bits and Bytes, Giga Hertz and Giga Bits, I just want to use the phone as easy as I can if I can use it as a small computer , which can put it in your pocket.
The discussion continued for a long time, explaining to me what my dissatisfaction is as a user. Slowly, he came back from amazement and realized that I really wanted this operating system to be really SIMPLE.
At one point he was silent, but I realized he was thinking of something beautiful, because from time to time he smiled happily and the sketch from his hands imaginary drawings in the air.
I guess it's something about a new interface ... :)

— modified on Sep 2, 2018, 4:42:34 PM

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Sep 2, 2018, 6:24:38 PM via Website

Hey Sorin
Can you send us a copy of the scetch your friend drew in the air,
without getting banned from the android pit?🤔😁


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Sep 2, 2018, 6:51:48 PM via Website

They were just gestures made with the hand, somehow as if they were moving a mouse from one side to the other, as if working on a virtual console. Being so passionate, he could watch the new interface even if he designed it in the air, trying to see behavior and functionality, manipulating that imaginary mouse. The same gestures I met with architects who imagined all sorts of changes imagining their new configuration by drawing up imaginary lines in the air.
Unfortunately, I do not have a picture taken with my boyfriend, but he was sympathetic when he walked his hands through the air!

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Dec 4, 2018, 7:01:30 AM via Website

Like the Microsoft for computer , Android is an OS for us .


  • Forum posts: 15

Jan 8, 2019, 12:37:18 PM via Website

Android is a mobile operating system (OS) first developed by a Silicon Valley company by the name of Android Inc. A collaboration spearheaded by Google in 2007 through the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) gave Android an edge in delivering a complete software set, which includes the main OS, middleware and specific mobile application, or app.

Patterned after the Linux kernel, the Android also was released as open source code. Development for the Android may be done through Windows, Linux or Mac. Although primarily written in Java, there is no Java Development Machine (JDM) in the platform.

Instead of allowing Java programs to run through the JDM, Google developed Dalvik, a virtual machine specifically for the Android. Dalvik runs recompiled Java code and reads it as Dalvik bytecode and was designed to optimize battery power and maintain functionality in an environment with limited memory and CPU power, such as that of mobile phones, netbooks and tablet PCs.

One of the Android’s selling points is an ability to break down application boundaries. Another advantage is that it is easily developed, not to mention its speed of app development. A large community of developers continuously devises and designs apps that enhance the capability of devices. These apps are then made available worldwide through Google’s Android Market, or other third-party sites.


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Aug 15, 2019, 12:37:07 PM via Website

Android is an OS and a very resilient one. Google has done its best for years to ruin or kill it but Android always fights back


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Oct 5, 2019, 1:58:43 PM via Website

Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, and is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.


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Feb 18, 2021, 8:47:33 PM via Website

I think iPhones are just more reliable


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Mar 15, 2021, 2:59:02 PM via Website

I totally agree about this!
