Samsung Galaxy Note 4 — Spen for writing messages - input area

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Apr 22, 2015, 11:58:48 AM via Website

Have had my note for about 2 weeks now, loving it. Am now starting to use the S pen for most things including writing text messages, but one thing is confusing me. Most times when I go to write, the input area appears at the bottom of the screen and takes up about 1 third of the screen and is "1 line at a time", but occasionally, for no reason I can spot, the input area becomes full screen and I can write multiple lines of text. It is quite strange because I have written 2 texts pretty much one straight after the other and the first went into "full screen" handwriting mode, the second went into the more frequent "1/3 screen, 1 line at a time mode." I quite like the full screen option, could someone tell me how to toggle or set this option so it is the default?

— modified on Apr 22, 2015, 11:59:10 AM

  • Forum posts: 2

Aug 5, 2016, 11:01:01 PM via Website

Hi. I'm asking the same question as you. Did you find a way of making full screen the default? I got rif of my note 4 because of the "pillar box" writing area. I saw a video on youtube of someone with a note 1 writing on the whole screen, and the words forming a line one after the other. I also didn't like the "lasso" tool when you circle your writing and then convert. Did you find a way?

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Sep 5, 2019, 8:54:07 AM via Website

I am using A6+ and a friend of mine told me that with Note 4 I can easily write an essay. Is it true ?
