Lenovo 2a10 tablet

  • Replies:2
  • Forum posts: 5

Aug 28, 2016, 3:17:26 PM via Website

This tablet has the worst sound in that it has NO sound to speak of. You can barely hear this thing and I have the sound settings turned up far as they will go. I use headphones sometimes which is a small improvement Installed music volume EQ app which would not open but stated it would install later???? What does that mean?? Another thing how do you use it? In other words do you turn it on when you are listening to song in some way or is it already working Know these questions are silly but No where can I find answers. By the way I didn't know what to put on forum and subform so I just marked something so I could submit

  • Forum posts: 3

Aug 29, 2016, 9:46:12 AM via Website

Hi Sandra,

same problem i face in my lenovo as well as it get hanging. It sounds to me like the tablet is having a hardware issue. Therefor I wouldn't try to fix it, just get it replaced where i bought it. my tablet is just 6 month old
