Samsung Galaxy S4 — Bluetooth connect to PayPal Here problem

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  • Forum posts: 8

Jan 16, 2017, 7:26:28 AM via Website


Having trouble with connecting Bluetooth with an Android Tab KitKat 4.4.2

I used the app GoNext Update and it says the tab cannot update further than the 4.4.2 !

Okay just spoke PayPal Here Support and they said that if it connected and works with 1 device then the prob is not with the Reader.

It works with Samsung Note 5 os 7.1 but not with the Galaxy S4 (Android 5.0.1) which says no update available.

She did say as far as she knows it should work with the Android KitKat 4.4.2 ( an Android Tab I have) and the Samsung Galaxy S4 which I also have.

The PayPal app works but I cannot connect Bluetooth to the PPH Reader.

Can one update the Bluetooth app itself?

Any suggestions please?


