Honor 6 Plus — How to remove files from a SAFE folder on my internal storage?

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May 30, 2017, 12:36:53 AM via Website

I have moved some audio files from the SD card to a safe in my internal storage, I now need to share the files and cannot see them in the original folder just the safe. In the safe I can see no options to copy or share only remove or delete. Any ideas?

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May 30, 2017, 2:05:34 PM via Website

Thanks for your reply James, I have solved this issue now. The safe folder is a folder that you can place documents in that can only be accessed by a fingerprint or password and is encrypted. The menu gives you 2 options to remove or delete, the items I had moved to the safe were very important and I was concerned I would lose the files. By selecting the remove option, i was given the option to replace the files in a new folder of my choosing. So all good and I have the files back on my SD card.

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Aug 18, 2017, 12:23:20 PM via Website

Today, for the first time in several months, I have tried to open my Safe, which is found in the Files app, to retrieve some documents but had a message saying "PE-TL10 not found. Choose another Safe?" Wtf?!!!
Can anyone help? I have many bank and legal documents stored there and do not want to lose them. :(

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Aug 19, 2017, 8:26:43 PM via Website

Thanks, but I'm fully aware of needing to enter my security code to open my Safe app. The problems lies in my Safe, with all its contents, has disappeared from view. When I attempted to open it the message "Safe Not Found" popped up. I've been using it for months without problems. :(

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May 16, 2019, 2:29:26 PM via Website

I'm also experiencing the same problem for a second time now, how is this problem solved, it happened to me before and when i selected the option of ''choose another safe'' all my content was deleted and i was not able to recover them.
