Samsung Galaxy Note 4 — "S" Pen Capabilities?

  • Replies:2
  • Forum posts: 1

Aug 2, 2017, 4:19:17 PM via Website

I recently came over to the "other side" and purchased an android, and loving it
As I am exploring the S Pen and all its capabilities, I came across one crazy attribute where I can handwrite in "tags", and as I am doing so, my handwriting turns into "typed words" I ADORE THIS FEATURE - My question is, why can't I get my pen to do this as I am handwriting notes in this app? I really would like to accomplish this. Am seeing that the update has added the ability to use my keyboard (TEXT), it is a nice feature, but is not the feature I am looking for right now.
Has anyone found a way to turn handwriting into typed words as you are writing notes beyond "tags"?

  • Forum posts: 2

Aug 2, 2017, 6:11:55 PM via Website

i am also looking for this but nothing yet

  • Forum posts: 6

Sep 4, 2017, 11:07:58 PM via Website

I'm not sure I understand. My Note devices have always been able to turn handwriting into typed words, by holding the 'keyboard options' key on the... er... keyboard, and tapping the 'T' option. Is that what you mean by 'keyboard (TEXT)'? How does it differ from tags?
