Looking for a CTO / Tech Co-Founder Full-Stack Developer in Munich / Germany

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Aug 23, 2017, 6:32:55 PM via Website

One would think that a small startup who would like to take it up with Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, WeChat, Payback and a whole bunch of other major players at the same time might have lost its mind, right?!

Yeah, maybe. But its exciting :). And you could be the CTO in all that craziness.

On a more serious note. We are currently creating an app-based platform (or rather an eco-system) for organizations (that can be companies, universities, governmental authorities) and their customers - the platform itself is closely resembling an e-Wallet (our approach is fundamentally different tho). The platform is supposed to contain almost all interactions companies are having with their clients.

It will amongst others also be a replacement for the old fashioned email. We also do plan e.g. to implement payments as well as chatbots and other new, upcoming technologies faster than other folks. One of our major USPs is an incredible focus on the privacy of the users. They will always have the possibility to see what companies know about them and also revoke this shared information.

On a day to day basis our endeavor is validated through news about companies implementing new technologies on how to communicate with and attract new customers apart from the existing channels. All of those are quite scattered solutions - we will offer them one consolidated, game-changing platform.

Whats the current status? We have a MVP up and running which we built through an external provider. Your task will be to use this MVP and improve it to a go-to-market version. There is still a lot of room for new ideas and changes, hence nothing is fixed and everything is possible. You as CTO will have a major say in how to get above done. You should be a full-stack Android and iOS developer with an insane interest in new technologies and innovations. Apart from that - past experience is nice to have - but not really necessary if you are a genius at what you do :).

Who are your co-founders? The CEO of HYYV is Flo Oberhofer - which already successfully built two startups (one in Dubai in the field of industrial automation and one consulting startup). He spent a large share of his life, working and studying abroad (Middle East, India, Indonesia etc.). The COO of the company is Robert Maier which has been working as consultant for Sixt (as you know Sixt is one of the most innovative companies in Germany), hence he is used to thinking outside the box.

Apart from the excitement - whats in it for you? We are currently having a multitude of possibilities in regards to funding. Those reach from regular Seed-Funding to Government Grants. In any case we would offer you a proper equity share and an approximate salary of 2.500 Euros for the beginning (all founders will draw the same salary). You will be a full fledged co-founder and hence you will have as much say as we do. We need you to shape and create this dream with us.

We are based out of Munich / Germany. So you should either be from Munich or be ready to move to Munich as soon as possible. We are already in the middle of the action - so starting date should be asap :). Looking forward to hear from you - let me know if you have any other questions.
Would be fantastic if you could send us some work samples and a creative introduction to [email protected].

One more thing - we do want to create something fantastic - but we also do believe in work-life balance so we will not exploit or push people to death :).

Looking forward to hear from you :)
