Problems setting up LG V30+

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Jul 29, 2018, 9:15:54 PM via Website

Hey, so recently I was having WiFi connectivity issues at my university; I would be able to connect to WiFi on my phone but would have no internet connection. After a variety of attempted fixes I decided the only way I could fix anything (since I can't directly fiddle with the router here) would be a factory reset of the phone. I'm able to do that without any problems up to the point where I'm asked to "Set Internet connection" where I'm presented with a number of WiFis to connect to. I tried to connect to the university WiFi but it's having the same problem as before: it connects but no internet. Okay, at this point I just hit "Next" to get to the next screen just so I can finish setting up the phone, and I'm given a dialog box which reads:

"No Internet
Your phone is not connected to the Internet. Software updates and device protection features will be unavailable until you connect to the Internet.
(Don't Skip) (Skip Anyway)"

No big deal, I just hit Skip Anyway.... the problem is, it doesn't "Skip" anything... it just takes me back to the "Set Internet connection" screen and I can't progress any further, so basically my phone is stuck in limbo, not able to finish setting up for some reason. I've also gone elsewhere and tried connecting to other WiFis that work, as well as trying to hotspot from my PC, and the phone gets hung up on "Obtaining IP address....", thus leading to the same Skip Anyway issue as before.

REALLY need some help as soon as possible, thanks in advance.

  • Forum posts: 1,458

Jul 30, 2018, 2:39:12 AM via Website

Is it possible that the MAC address of your LG phone has been in the blacklist of the university router for MAC address filtering?

Select the WiFi in the list, Forget network, then try to connect to it again. If the issue still exists, you had better contact the administrator of that wireless router.

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