Samsung Galaxy S6 — Mysterious damage

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Jun 18, 2019, 6:15:03 PM via Website

My phone was a Samsung galaxy s6. I ended up in water (fresh water, albeit murky, river) with it in my pocket. It has spent 3 weeks at a post warranty repair shop. 24 h after I first took it there they had it fixed and working. They cleaned it with ultrasonic isopropilic bath. They said the water contamination was "very little". The shop has hundreds of positive reviews (100% of all google reviews are positive - this is in Bucharest Romania) and they seem very good at their job. That evening I was holding my phone with it working perfectly.

I took the phone home after having shut it down - for unimportant reasons I decided not to use it that night. I tried using the evening of the next day. It did not turn on. I took it back to the shop. They identified - IF I remember and can describe correctly - a component on the motherboard that was undergoing short circuit. They use infrared radiation to pinpoint where electricity is flowing when it shouldn't. They replaced one motherboard component but the problem was continuing. They went to another repair shop for advice. There were none. There continues to be a component on the motherboard that confuses the phone to direct electricity where it shouldn't. The consumption is small and thus is undetectable in the infrared detector.

Short version: water damage. Soon after going to the repair shop: Isopropilic ultrasound bath. Phone works.
24 h later: phone won't turn on.
3 weeks later: no solution and cause cannot be established.

Tomorrow I have to go get the phone still not working 100% however I expect it to work enough to get my data from it. I repeat,: the phone DOES work for a WHILE. It would seem that turning it off and turning it back on is a problem but somehow in that first 24 h it was working and it should be able to work again enough to get my data.

So it s not completely destroyed. What can be causing these symptoms? If the professionals had no clue, could the people on this forum come up with a better idea? Should I take it to a 3rd repair shop?

BTW: the guy told me he has since tried cleaning the mother board THREE MORE TIMES in the ultrasound isopropilic bath. So that s 4 bats in total and still something's causing a short circuit on the motherboard

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