Help! My custom font does not work on Android 5.0

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Dec 15, 2019, 8:44:40 AM via Website

Many custom fonts loaded with the Typeface.createFromAsset) (API do not render with the right font in Android Lollipop releases prior to 5.1. The Android 5.1 update fixed this issue, but it still impacts Android Lollipop 5.0.x on your users.

This does not cause your device to crash, it simply causes your view to render using the default typeface instead of the custom font that you requested.

The problem is that TTF font files have malformed. Minor problems in font files could be overlooked or accepted by most systems that make the font, but in the early builds of Lollipop the tolerance level was not that high and certain cute font ideas struggled to render the system and it dropped to the default font. It's like having a badly written audio file played in certain media apps but flagged as corrupted in others.

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