Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 — Impossible to remove shortcuts

  • Replies:3
  • Forum posts: 2

Jan 31, 2020, 4:42:35 PM via Website

Have tried a huge number of times to remove homescreen shortcuts as follows - press lightly on shortcut until it becomes moveable and a flag flies out of the shorcut with two options - either "select item" or "remove from home screen" . The latter also shows a trash can logo. Dragging the shortcut to either has no effect whether I do it instantly or pause slightly first. The shortcut just becomes firm again. Despite what it says in the manual there is no other trash can on the screen to drag it to.
This is driving me nuts, can anybody advise please?

  • Forum posts: 1,035

Feb 1, 2020, 1:35:08 AM via Website

Have not used a Samsung in a long time but try to click on remove from homescreen instead of dragging. Anyway a launcher would give you much better control on your home screen. Anyway if I remember well the trash can should appear top center of the screen once you drag the shortcut there

— modified on Feb 1, 2020, 1:45:03 AM

  • Forum posts: 2

Feb 1, 2020, 11:48:36 AM via Website

Thanks - have tried clicking on "remove from homescreen". No effect at all.
No trash can appears if I drag to the top of the home screen; I was used to that system with my old Nexus. If I try to just move it off the top of the screen, the shortcut just sort of half goes off the screen and the bounces back.
Any other ideas gratefully received

  • Forum posts: 1,035

Feb 1, 2020, 12:02:58 PM via Website

Try this : on your home screen take your index finger and thumb, shrink the screen. Click on the Home screen settings at the bottom. Look for Lock Home screen layout. Turn it off. Done this you should be able to remove the shortcuts.

— modified on Feb 1, 2020, 12:26:32 PM
