Samsung Galaxy S6 — Missing Icons S6 Lite

  • Replies:2
  • Answered
  • Forum posts: 10

Dec 15, 2020, 1:48:13 PM via Website

Good afternoon,

New S6 Lite.

I have Youtube installed, but there is no icon for it on either the desktops or in the apps drawer. I can only access it via another app which is rather inconvenient.

Same for GMail - not that it matters as that is available in an email programme.

Any ideas welcome ?



  • Forum posts: 10

Dec 17, 2020, 7:54:10 PM via Website

I had an emails saying there was a reply which gave a link. But answer is there none !

This is the first post to reply to this thread.

However, I have discovered how to un-hide icons and have corrected the problem. I don't know why
they were hidden - I certainly didn't hide them !

Thanks and bye for now

