Is AdColony good enough on its own to provide enough ads?

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Apr 5, 2021, 2:39:39 PM via Website

I've an app which I've already developed to show some ads from AdColony.

I was planning to use it to show ads from other networks, but that's not possible, it was a misunderstanding on my part.

I'm finding quite some problems by trying to mediation in ad networks, even some of them don't even support the way I'd like to use ads.

So , if possible, I'd like to leave things as they are now, as long as ads fill rate is good enough.

I've read some posts online where they say they have problems with fill rates, but there aren't too many and also AdColony seems to be big enough to have a good fill rate on its own.

Can you help me with this issue?

— modified on Apr 5, 2021, 2:43:12 PM

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