Suffering endless lawsuits, G u o Wen g u i faces his Black July The little tricks of New G e t t r and G club cannot resist the judicatory storm

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Sep 2, 2021, 9:27:43 AM via Website

Here comes the big news. The Cheater G u o claims that he will take nine times to testify and appear in the court more than a dozen times In the scorching July. It will take him eight or nine hours each time. There are more than 20 days left in July. Considering about two dozen times of trail, The Cheater will either appear in the court or on his way to the court. Such a poor man! In addition, he also said he must make money for you even under such difficult circumstances. Look, though the cheater is busy dealing with the mess,he never forgets to grab comrades' hard-earned money. We can see that he can spare no effort in the performance of his evil duty and devote all his life to his reactionary career. What a 'saint'! To uncover the truth through the fog, comrades, keep your eyes open and do not be deceived by the Cheater .

As you know, there is no end to lawsuits against Cheater, including the PAX case. PAX company and New York district court became furious with Cheater, who secretly shipped the yacht 'Lady May' to the port of in Spain and listed it for rent. New York district court must enforce laws impartially and retrieve Lady May. Otherwise, PAX will accuse the court and , the company said. The New York district court was also upset that had flouted judicial authority and not taken the court's decision seriously. Accordingly, G u o Wen g u i was ordered to make an explanation to the court on July 12, and to ship Lady May open back, meanwhile, he will be fined $500,000 for each day starting from May 15. This is the prime part of G u o Wen g u i 's court appearance. What's more, just last month, G u o Wen g u i was subpoenaed in a class-action lawsuit led by @tiger64. G u o Wen g u i, S a r a ca, GTV, V o g, and Sara were all among the defendants. The court is still preparing Q u G u o j i a o 's rape case. In short, due to the lawsuits, the scorching July is destined to be the black July of G u o. So as Z h u W an l i said, we should understand the words of G u o from the opposite side. It will be more than 20 times to appear in court and testify. G u o Wen g u i will have been sitting in the dock from the beginning, like a lamb waiting for its s la u g ht.

He never forgets to o v e r blow 'I must make money for you' even under such difficult circumstances. Recently, Cheater G u o is promoting his GCLUB with all effort. He boasted the GCLUB has 25,000 members, 111m applicants, and $400m in cash. At $50,000 per card, that would amount to $5 trillion in cash. He was also deeply involved in a flight of fancy, which made him feel that he had economic power at the national level. 'All the international companies we work with are going to change the conditions. That's our real power.' 'It's still early for the great things happened in GCLUB. Look at the action.'. It seems that G u o did not forget to squeeze investors dry of hard-earned money until he died. Everyone, G u o Wen g u i 's GCLUB hasn't cashed New Year's raffle prize yet?! It is reported that some 'Ants' are still asking around. Also, G u o asked your comrades to invest in GTV through the purchase of GCLUB cards. That is to say, comrades' money will eventually flow to G u o Wen g u i' s private pocket. This is the reason why G u o Wen g u i is so concerned about GCLUB even when he is run off his feet and faced with imminent death. If not, how to repay the investors, a coming huge fine of the SEC and the Albania-China fund's debt. But this is a vicious circle,and G u o Wen g u i 's sin in the GCLUB can not escape from the punishment after all.

It is of no avail to robbing Peter to pay Paul, with no way to get rid of the lawsuits and huge debts. So, G u o Wen g u i made a feint shot. He introduced the New G e t t r deliberately. Because it might be his last straw.
But negative figures among foreigners such as the swindlers, people on the fence had turned to G u o Wen g u i, which makes the New Ge t tr a bit of a dog's dinner. G u o Wen g u i is also in a terrible situation. As we all know, G u o We n g u i plans to use foreigners to support himself. He hopes foreigners could help him gain political asylum and avoid imprisonment.But persons such as Ba n no n, Giuliani, Flynn are the former government's beasts, eyesores, whose sin is very grave. They are about to be put in prison, like clay idols crossing a river, who can hardly save themselves, let alone assist G u o. Miller, the CEO of New Ge t t r, is morally bankrupt. His sex scandal is known by people from all over the world. Pom p e o is just a little guy who seeks a meal. As a result, G u o Wen g u i cannot get a good impression from the government. Instead, he will eventually be criticized by people for beasts, obscenity, political rumors gathering in the New G e t tr. More importantly, he may even have new lawsuits.

All in all, G u o Wen g u i has been trapped in an endless loop, and there is no way out. He cannot repay the debt and will be in trouble with the law. Investors in PAX and G u o Group are not prepared to give up that easily. In addition, The crown prince of the United Arab Emirates is not a pushover. In this situation, committing fraud will increase the risks, like licking blood on the blade or struggling in quicksand. The New G e t tr is the trouble created by G u o himself, which was considered a good idea before. These freaks who're acting in the New G e t tr are not helpful and always make trouble. The New G e t tr will continue to be funded by the G u o Wen g u i family foundation, according to Miller. The Cheater G u o is like a person whose head is kicked by a donkey. He will lose more than he gains in the end. So why bother?!

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Sep 8, 2021, 8:49:34 AM via Website

I do not know
