Why OLOW VPN is free

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Oct 11, 2021, 1:51:13 PM via Website

The internet was intended to enable the free exchange of ideas and information. However, internet service providers, and hackers can all pose a threat to that freedom.
we’ve seen geo-restrictions, mass surveillance, and censorship prevent people from accessing all kinds of websites and online content.

The effect of a safe, free VPN

Providing a free, privacy-focused VPN means that everyone can access the internet securely. The benefits of using a VPN range from bypassing geo-restricted content to protecting people from government surveillance and hackers.

Stop your ISP from seeing your browsing activity
When you browse the internet without a VPN, your internet service provider (ISP) can see all of your unencrypted network traffic. This means your ISP can know a lot about you, such as the domains you visit and what time you visited them.

Protect yourself from hackers
Anyone who uses the internet can be a possible target for hackers. Hackers may be looking for your identifying information to commit identity theft or looking for vulnerabilities in a business’s network in order to defraud a company. For political dissidents or journalists targeted by state-sponsored hackers, the stakes are even higher.

Our free secure OLOW VPN
OLOW VPN was developed with security as the main focus, so everyone can enjoy online privacy and the freedom to access content from around the world.
Imposes no data or speed limits on your browsing activity
Does not log your online activity
Is protected by Swiss privacy laws

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