How to enlarge a profile picture on Instagram

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Nov 29, 2021, 5:06:50 AM via Website

There are two ways to enlarge your photos on Instagram: right click on the thumbnail or by saving the image as a full version. This option only works if the image is smaller than 320 pixels wide. If your photo is bigger than that, you will get a very small picture. If you want to save the full version, you can right-click the thumbnail and choose Save Image from the menu.

The first option is the standard zoom, which complements the image to a square shape. However, if you don't want to give it up to adjust the size of the original post, you can also choose the 4: 5 option. This option makes the picture the default Instagram space. If the original photo is of a higher resolution, you can make it larger by selecting that resolution. Otherwise, you can just click the Zoom In button to return to normal view.

The second option is to use the inverse zoom option. While the enlargement tool on Instagram allows you to enlarge a picture in any format, the photo will still have a small resolution. When resizing, you need to make sure that your photo is at least 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels resolution. The inverse zoom option allows you to double-tap a profile picture to enlarge it.

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