
Our 5 free and paid Android/iOS applications of the week

Our 5 free and paid Android/iOS applications of the week

As the case is every week, I'm going to talk about 5 free/paid mobile applications and games that are worth downloading this week. Apart from my own selections, I have added a few suggestions from the members of the NextPit community.

Privacy Overlay

Privacy Overlay is an application that allows you to apply an overlay to your screen to hide content from being seen by others. The idea behind this is to limit the amount of screen real estate that will be available for you to see. The selected area can take the form of a circle or a rectangle. You can adjust the size of the area by double-tapping the area, and you can also move the area around on the screen using a slider that you simply drag. You can also adjust the opacity of the filter to completely hide the edges of the area.

The idea is to keep details displayed on your screen from prying eyes when you're viewing your smartphone in public. But it can also help you take screenshots to share without the risk of revealing too private items.

The app is free, with no ads or in-app purchases and requires system authorization to display over other apps.

5 apps week 7 privacy overlay
Protect your smartphone screen from prying eyes with Privacy Overlay / © NextPit

You can download the Privacy Overlay application from the Google Play Store.

Seal, a social network

I won't insult you by using the term anti-Instagram to define Seal. In concrete terms, it is a social network for sharing photos without the added bells and whistles like likes, and filters. The principle of Seal is simple. Once a day, you receive a notification. You then have five minutes to photograph what's around you. This notification is sent randomly, you will never receive this notification at the same time.

The idea is to immortalize a moment, even the most futile, even the least glittering, a moment in your life that you will have no time to frame, compose, stage or post-process to embellish reality. The application is free but requires the creation of an account with an email address.

You can decide to make your photos public or keep them private. Screenshots are not possible in the application.

5 apps week 7 seal
Seal encourages you to photograph the moment, without artifice and without fuss / © NextPit

You can download the Seal application from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

Forgive Yourself, give it a rest, will you?

Forgive Yourself is a free, ad-free wellness and positive reinforcement application that is all about forgiving yourself. In the minimalist interface, you can list a number of mistakes or errors you've made.

These errors cannot be removed once they are listed, nor can they be changed. They are there, they happened, you have to accept them. But you also have to accept that they are in the past and that sometimes you have to let go.

You can, therefore, immediately or at the date of your choice (with a reminder), forgive yourself and wipe the slate clean of your sins. They will then disappear from the screen and you will be able to start again from scratch. Well, I know, it's a bit too philosophic for a tech article, but sometimes it's still good to be a bit lenient towards yourself, right?

5 apps week 7 forgive yourself
Come on, stop torturing yourself by dwelling on your past mistakes / © NextPit

You can download the Forgive Yourself application from the Google Play Store. ​​​​

AnyHome, any ideas for the overcyclists?

AnyHome is a paid application (0,79 €) that allows you to make any third-party application your home screen. Concretely, you have to make AnyHome your launcher, then select the application of your choice. Every time you unlock your smartphone or Android tablet, this application will replace your home screen.

It's a niche application, you have to admit. But if you're overcycling by reconverting an old smartphone or tablet to control your connected home, music or whatever, having a specific application open by default every time you use it can be useful.

5 apps week 7 anyhome
AnyHome transform each third party application into your home screen / © NextPit

You can download the AnyHome application from the Google Play Store.

Custom Volume Panel

It's an application to customize your volume button like so many others on the Google Play Store. But it has the merit of not having any invasive ads, although you'll have to deal with €0.89 in-app purchases to unlock additional styles.

The app also supports Android 11's new volume control tab, with custom gauges for system volume, notifications, alarm clock and music. You can select certain applications to block, to keep the default volume panel.

You can also choose a darker version of each panel style to be consistent with the rest of your interface. The application is simple, ergonomic, the panels are visually nice, although the unit price of almost 1 euro for some of them can put off more than one.

5 apps week 7 custom volume panel
Customize your volume control panel on your Android 11 smartphone / © NextPit

You can download the Custom Volume Panel application from the Google Play Store.

What do you think of this selection? Have you already tested some of the applications in this list? What would be your apps of the week? Share your opinions in the comments!

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  • marychap 4 months ago Link to comment

    Interesting article