
Google announces Cardboard Plastic, the first 'actual reality' headset

Google announces Cardboard Plastic, the first 'actual reality' headset

"What's realer than real?" asks a confused voiceover during Google's latest promo video. "Probably nothing. Or maybe something." The video, posted to YouTube last night, hails a 'clear' future with a breakthrough tech accessory: Google Cardboard Plastic. Is it April 1? 

google cardboard plastic edit
The future is clear. / © Google/YouTube

Yes, it's an April Fool's joke. OK – that's out of the way. Now let's look at what Cardboard Plastic is actually about. It's a headset similar to that of Google Cardboard. But rather than for viewing virtual reality content, it's for viewing 'actual reality'. 

This is essentially a headset made of clear plastic and allows users to view the environment around them. To view real life, as it were. Cardboard Plastic is devilishly sarcastic, but also poignantly ironic. With all the hype surrounding virtual reality tech at the moment, the idea that we could derive entertainment from reality is, well, scary. 

Watch the video right here:

What are the main features of Cardboard Plastic? They include a "fully immersive" experience, it's "waterproof", "works with all apps" and offers "20/20 resolution (depending on eyesight)". With a feature list as good as this, it's almost the perfect product. 

Too bad this is a joke. 'Actual reality' could be the next big thing for Google. For now, we'll just have to experience it with our own preinstalled sensory hardware. Too bad.

Did you buy Google's April Fools' joke? Would you buy Cardboard Plastic? Let me know in the comments. 

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