
Dude, where's my car? Google Assistant has the answer!

Dude, where's my car? Google Assistant has the answer!

Raise your hand if you haven't wasted a few extra minutes now and then looking for your car. Well, thankfully, the anxiety-inducing times of frantically searching for your vehicle in unfamiliar streets can be a thing of the past. Google Assistant will be able to automatically remember where you parked your car

Based on your history on Google Maps, Google Assistant will be able to find out where your car is by analyzing when you stopped driving and started walking. And no, you won't have to do anything. But sometimes it may not give you the exact position, but at least you'll be on your way.

Assistant Parking location
Google Assistant will automatically remember where your car is / © Android Police

It's true that a similar function already exists in Google Maps, but you have to do it manually and mark the position of your car yourself after parking it. That's where my problem always starts... With this new feature no matter if you forget to write down where you parked your vehicle, Google Assistant will remember it for you.

The Wizard will put a label on the Maps application where, according to its estimates, you left your car and display a card on your smartphone. At the moment, the feature is only available to a few users, but Google is expected to gradually implement it in all of its attendees.

Is this new Google Assistant feature as useful to you as it is to me?

Source: Android Police

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