
Google Hangouts: SMS gets its marching orders

Google Hangouts: SMS gets its marching orders

The popularity of Google Hangouts is still enduring, which is why the developers at Google are still working to enhance this feature. That said, there are a few changes on the horizon as Google has announced that the classic Hangouts app will not longer support SMS. 

Droid Life has recently reported that GSuite customers, the classic Google service catering for business customers, have received emails that the original Google Hangouts app will be loosing SMS support as of May 22. Although the message is specifically directed GSuite users, its very likely that this affect everyone who has Hangouts on their Google account for their private use. 

As an alternative their is always, of course, Android Messages for all your SMS and MMS needs. Unfortunately, with the pending changes to Hangouts, this means you will now need to use two separate apps for Hangouts and SMS. Under the circumstances it's hardly streamlines the messaging issue; if anything, it adds a new layer of complexity to it. Google's master plan is to attract users to other services such as Allo or Duo, but removing popular features such as the SMS integration doesn't appear to be the best way to do this. 

Google employees are allowed to invest part of their time in their own projects. A few days ago, one of the Google teams introduced the Supersonic Fun Voice Messenger. Who knows: perhaps this will eventually become the Google messenger that finally brings order to chaos.

Do you use the SMS integration on Google Hangouts? Will you be looking for a new messenger app after May 22? Let us know in the comments below.

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  • Ryan Mar 25, 2017 Link to comment

    Google straight up needs to get their act together. All these messaging apps are so stupid and ridiculous. And they wonder why Apple is doing better!?! because of nonsense like this

    •   24
      Deactivated Account Mar 27, 2017 Link to comment

      We are just a giant A/B test for them - just waiting for them to somehow plug ads into this