
Smart speakers prove incredibly effective at securing brand loyalty

Smart speakers prove incredibly effective at securing brand loyalty

A new consumer study in the US indicates that people who buy smart speakers are loyal to a brand. According to Parks Associate, 97% of consumers are always loyal to the same brand and do not change manufacturers. Is it so strange to combine Google with Alexa?

More and more homes have smart speakers like Amazon's Echo or Google Home, which have significantly increased their sales in the last year. What was not known until now is the loyalty that the vast majority of users have with brands. According to a study published by Parks Associate, only 3 out of 100 users switch manufacturers or combine devices from different brands.

Of course, this is by design. In many cases, buying into a smart speaker means entering a distinct ecosystem, with difficulty integrating with 'foreign' equipment. Just how the manufacturer. Sometimes setting up these devices can be a bit tedious and complicated, even more so if you try to set up several intelligent loudspeakers connected together. They may not even work at all well with another voice assistant, for example. This may be why, if you bought a Google Home Mini and want to extend your family of smart speakers, you'd naturally consider a Google Home rather than an Amazon Echo.

amazon echo 02
The Echo product range now includes more powerful speakers as well as displays. / © NextPit

Amazon beats Google at this game

The study also states that Echo devices are found in two out of every three homes with this type of smart speaker, while only one-third own a Google Home device. However, more and more users are daring to have several speakers in their home.

"Owners of smart speakers are increasingly adopting multiple devices in multiple rooms of the home," said Hanich of Parks Associates. "Device manufacturers can take advantage of this trend towards repeat purchases and extras to combine new and premium products.

What's your case? Do you have devices from multiple brands?

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  • storm Feb 7, 2019 Link to comment

    The 1 person I know with a smart speaker actually has both Amazon and Google.

    •   25
      Deactivated Account Feb 7, 2019 Link to comment

      Must be a crazy guy. ;-}