
New features for those who travel by bus coming to Google Maps

New features for those who travel by bus coming to Google Maps

Google Maps receives a new update in two days. The app, after focusing on taxis, this time thinks of those who travel by bus.

How many times did you happen to wait at the bus stop for a bus that was late without receiving any information on the board, let alone on Maps? And then to see the bus arrive full of people without having the chance to find a place to sit or, in the worst case, to even get onboard? If you are used to traveling to the office, school or to see your friends in the city by bus, you know what I'm talking about and I'm sure you will appreciate the new features introduced by Google Maps:

  • Real-time information on bus delays: on Google Maps you can now check whether the bus you are planning to take is late or not compared to the scheduled time, the duration of the delay as well as more accurate travel times based on real-time traffic conditions. The congestion point will also be shown on the map.
  • Overcrowding forecasts: Google's app will also show forecasts of possible overcrowding of the incoming bus so you can decide whether to make the trip on foot, wait for the next bus, or rely on a different means of transport.

The two new features have been released in recent hours on both Android and iOS and will be available in about 200 cities worldwide. Unfortunately, Google has not yet provided a list of the cities and countries concerned.

Source: Google blog

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