
Independent from Huawei, Honor wants to produce 100 million smartphones by 2021

Independent from Huawei, Honor wants to produce 100 million smartphones by 2021

Sold by Huawei on November 17, Honor is flying on its own and thinking big. The Chinese manufacturer has set an ambitious target and plans to produce as many as 100 million smartphones in 2021.

These more than ambitious projections were reported on Tuesday 22 December by the media outlet Nikkei Asia, a very serious business daily. This number of 100 million units that Honor would target would represent a 40% increase from the number of phones that the company has shipped in 2020.

And when you consider that Huawei has planned to produce "only" 60 million smartphones in 2021, to think that its former sister brand is going to exceed these numbers is, well, quite surprising.

Independent from Huawei but still subject to US sanctions

Although Huawei sold Honor to enable it to escape US sanctions resulting from the embargo decreed in May 2019, the now independent manufacturer (part of the Chinese consortium Shenzhen Zhixin New Information Technology) is not immune to commercial and industrial obstacles.

A first potential hurdle for Honor is the approval of US suppliers by the US authorities, who are expected to sign contracts with the new independent smartphone brand later this month, according to Nikkei Asia, but each agreement will be subject to licensing requirements. Nikkei Asia reported earlier this month about Qualcomm and MediaTek both talking to Honor for supplying Honor with their chipsets in 2021.

Honor has always used Huawei's proprietary Kirin processors for its high-end smartphones, but Huawei is no longer able to produce these high-end SoCs due to the US ban. So it goes without saying that the 'refreshed' Honor company will use MediaTek  - which it already uses for its affordable models - or Qualcomm chips for its flagship products

What do you think of Honor's newfound hunger for greatness? Is it a vain display of pride or a glimpse of a brighter future without Huawei?

Source: Nikkei Asia

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  • Dinu Andrei 11 months ago Link to comment

    The big question mark? It will have access to Google Services? If the answer is" Yes " , it's a big deal for tech space and for the user. If "No" , we have a problem with sales and growth in my opinion.