
Lemmings for Android: a fun game to download for the holidays

Lemmings for Android: a fun game to download for the holidays

For all of you out there who played computer games in the 1990s, Lemmings is almost synonymous with unparalleled gaming fun. Now the official Lemmings game for Android smartphones and tablets is finally available for download. The app is free, but be careful, because in-app purchases can be quite expensive. But that didn't stop us from having fun with the new Lemmings for Android!

The cuddly lemmings aren't the brightest. They run straight ahead, no matter whether an abyss, a fire or another catastrophes is threatening them. The player's task: direct the little guys through a level full of dangers to the exit. You'll have to dig holes, build stairs and use parachutes, and sometimes you even have to sacrifice a lemming to save many others.

All this is now possible on Android smartphones and tablets. The original version of Lemmings for Android is available as a free download from the Google Play Store. The app is only 66 MByte in size. The game, which first begins with a series of tutorials, has been graphically modernized and transferred to the present, but has lost none of its charm. Lemmings also works offline and is therefore ideal as entertainment for long flights or train journeys. While the first Lemmings game was developed and distributed by Ubisoft, the gaming company Sad Puppy has now become the new home of the green-haired males.

In-App purchases can be expensive

The Lemmings game itself is of course available for free download. But if you want to move forward as quickly as possible, you will be able to avoid in-app purchases. The prices start at 1 dollar for 1,000 virtual gold pieces and go up to 120 dollars Euro for 150,000 gold pieces. The game can also be completed without in-app purchases, but it will take much longer.

Do you have any good memories of Lemmings?

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  • insomniacno1 Aug 11, 2019 Link to comment

    The game asked for permissions to access and modify even delete my files, and Credit card info. As a site that takes pride in exposing this kind of behavour should have picked up on that and warned people, but maybe you are getting paid to promote.

  •   25
    Deactivated Account Dec 22, 2018 Link to comment

    I seriously don't like inapp purchases. Just take my money once and let me have the game without any pay to win model. Seriously......

  • Craig Lewis Dec 22, 2018 Link to comment

    I loved playing Lemmings on the Amiga!

  • storm Dec 21, 2018 Link to comment

    The IAP level is ludicrous and abusive.

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