
BMW launches new smaller, lighter, cheaper e-scooter

BMW launches new smaller, lighter, cheaper e-scooter

BMW is launching a new electric scooter in autumn 2019. The BMW E-Scooter reaches a top speed of 20 km/h and is quite a bit cheaper than its predecessor, the X2City.

BMW is expanding its range of electric scooters this autumn. The new BMW E-Scooter reaches a top speed of 20 km/h and is expected to offer a range of 12 kilometers. The 150-watt motor and Li-Ion battery are built into the footboard and rear wheel. It can be fully charged in two hours. There are two braking systems and the front and rear lights are mounted directly in the frame.

The BMW E-Scooter weighs just nine kilograms and can be folded up. This scooter was also developed in cooperation with Micro. From autumn 2019 it will be available on the market for 800 euros. This makes it quite a bit cheaper than the X2City, which BMW sells for 2,400 euros.

bmw e scooter 2019
The BMW E-Scooter will be launched in autumn. / © BMW

However, the engine of the new scooter with its 150 watts is also a lot weaker. The X2City offers a 408-watt motor. On the other hand, the X2City also weighs a good 20 kilograms - here the foldable BMW E-scooter is much lighter.

Just recently in Germany the decision was taken to admit e-scooters on the street. However, they are not allowed to drive on the sidewalk. The maximum speed is 20 km/h, but the scooters must be on the cycle path or the road. A helmet obligation does not exist. Furthermore, the scooters may be only be driven from the age of 14. They are also subject to insurance. It seems that German manufacturers are, now that they have been given the green light, entering this market.

Would you buy this scooter in your region?

Source: BMW

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  • Mark G. May 28, 2019 Link to comment

    I'm not sure if this article was translated from the German site, there is a number of grammar mistakes.
    I presume a actual human read it before publication, or maybe not.

    Peace 🖖

  • Sorin May 28, 2019 Link to comment

    It's just "cheaper", not "cheap" !