
2019 is coming, and so is our new name

2019 is coming, and so is our new name

Frank Sinatra once sang "It was a very good year". It's already dark outside and the first fireworks are banging, so it's a good time to look back, but also look forward.

Exactly one year ago we made a quiet announcement that we needed a new name. Personally, I didn't think it would take almost a year before we would really say goodbye to AndroidPIT, but we're now taking this step. The name AndroidPIT is history. The tech world is changing and we have to follow suit to keep up.

Digitalization is a bit like climate change: it's there, but you don't really want to believe the big, far-reaching changes it will bring. I don't want to start a debate on this point, but I'm nevertheless convinced that we still can't really imagine how comprehensively our society will change, as a result of digital change. We want to change alongside the world and help people understand it.

There already have been major changes, and many will follow

The changes we've seen thus far haven't been that radical. In the past few weeks, our attentive readers will have noticed that there's now a lot more to read on our site. We've been writing a lot more and have been covering different topics. Of course, we also have new colors and a new logo, and further changes are still to come.

IFA Group Picture
Our team at IFA 2018. / © NextPit

Step by step our new design will spread throughout our site. At some point there will also be a new name, which we're still looking for. It's like digitalization: if everything changed radically and quickly, we wouldn't be able to keep up. That's why we're changing gradually.

Internally, we're currently positioning ourselves for new challenges. We're working diligently on new processes, thinking through formats and fine-tuning different concepts - always with the aim of inspiring our readers.

Oh yes, it was a very good year...

There hasn't been a year in recent memory that I've ended with so much confidence. The many things we've been working on over the last few months are gradually becoming visible. I have a good feeling about what lies ahead and I'm sure: 2019 will be a very good year.

So we wish you and your family a happy new year and a great 2019. Stay with us and pay us regular visits. There will now be much more to read, along with new innovations on our website.

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  • Clement Okolie Jan 3, 2019 Link to comment

    My best wishes are with you guys. I first downloaded your app in c2014 and I've stayed faithful because I like your body of work here. Staying tuned with the times is the only way to stay relevant in any business. So moving on from the name may also work to serve your brand better. Good luck and God bless. Cheers. Happy New Year.