
[Video] Google's New Nexus Family Gets Its Own Awesome Ad

[Video] Google's New Nexus Family Gets Its Own Awesome Ad


An official new ad for the Nexus 4, 7 and 10 made its web debut yesterday and has been praised for its imaginative imagery. Featuring computer animation that looks a bit like origami, the ad shows why the "Playground is Open" for owners of the new Nexus 4, 7 and 10.

A silly debate has erupted online over whether or not the ad was actually created by Google for Google. The answer is yes, it was. While it would be awesome if fans had the time, energy and resources to create an ad this awesome, it's just a tad unrealistic, given that the products were only announced a few days ago. The ad agency behind it, Autofuss, also created the ads for Google's failed Nexus Q device.

Google Now, Google Books and the Nexus 10's record-breaking display all get a shout out in the ad. It's interesting that Google has decided to focus on these features rather than the new Photo Sphere, which allows you to create 360 degree photos, or the new wireless mirroring feature, which allows users to wirelessly transmit content from their Android to an HDTV.

In any case, the ad is quite awesome and rivals some of the best Google has ever created. Watch below!

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