
Want a Pixelbook 2 or Pixel Slate 2? Don't hold your breath

Want a Pixelbook 2 or Pixel Slate 2? Don't hold your breath

If you were waiting for the arrival of a new Google Pixel-branded laptop or an improved version of the recent Pixel Slate maybe you'll have to wait a little longer than expected. At least until the company changes its mind again...

Some reports from Mountain View indicate that the company headed by Alphabet has decided to take a break from the tablet and Chromebook market. Some of the people involved in the "Create" group have been reassigned to other internal sections of the company or have joined the Pixel smartphone development team.

Pixel 3 XL 11
Don't worry: Google hasn't moved its employees in the development of its smartphones. / © NextPit

This was reported by Business Insider. The report indicates that this transition is only temporary but we know that it is not the first time that Google has decided to abandon a project in progress and then never return to it. Among the reasons could be the cold reaction of the press and the public to the Pixel Slate. The tablet, equipped with the Chrome OS operating system, has not convinced as much as the previous generations of Pixel and Pixelbook laptops, loved by the media and missed in markets outside the US.

The news caught everyone by surprise: the Chromebook market has never been so strong (so much so as to create problems for Intel in meeting the demand for medium and low-end CPUs) and, even if the sales of Pixel ultrabooks have never been stellar, they represented a reference point for the community and for fans.

AndroidPIT Acer Chromebook Spin 13 general use
Especially in the US, Chromebooks are gaining important market shares. / © NextPit

Also, we know how Google is working internally on a new operating system called Fuchsia OS, separate from Android. This OS should adapt to the device on which it runs and from the test terminals, we know the company was also using some Chromebooks in addition to several smartphones.

That it is the end of the range of Pixelbooks to prepare for Fuchsia OS? We just have to wait and see...

Via: Pocketnow

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