
Cheating on benchmarks: OnePlus has been caught again

Cheating on benchmarks: OnePlus has been caught again

OnePlus has been accused of cheating on benchmarks in the past, something which has upset OnePlus users, fans and the media. By manipulating the scores of the OnePlus 5, the company is back in the spotlight yet again for all the wrong reasons. Clearly, the lesson wasn't learned.

As Britney would say, "Oops, I did it again". On the technophile website XDA, an article was published in which the author explained why one shouldn't rely on the results of any OnePlus 5 benchmarks: they're manipulated! For the OnePlus 3T, the manufacturer made it such that when a benchmark app is run, the smartphone automatically behaves differently. This time, the method is different, but the result is the same: enhanced benchmark scores for the OnePlus 5. The benchmarks in question are AnTuTu, Androbench, Geekbench 4, GFXBench, Quadrant, Nenamark 2 and Vellamo.

AndroidPIT oneplus 5 0194
The OnePlus 5. © NextPit

There's no need to state the obvious - OnePlus has cheated a second time. What's interesting is the explanation used to jusify it: "People use benchmark apps in order to ascertain the performance of their device, and we want users to see the true performance of the OnePlus 5." In short, this statement tries to justify cheating and it misses the whole point of running benchmark tests.

There are several things about OnePlus that may make you think twice about their products. Despite the flagship killer's popularity, there are some puzzling things, for instance: issues with updates, prices going up with each new device, no included headphones and now another case of cheating.

Do you still plan on buying the OnePlus 5?

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  • storm Jun 21, 2017 Link to comment

    You can't be surprised by this. One plus cuts every corner it can and lacks ethics.

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  • ljhaye Jun 21, 2017 Link to comment

    Are you kidding me!!!!