
OnePlus interview: let's be clear about AI and marketing

OnePlus interview: let's be clear about AI and marketing

The OnePlus 6 is official and the Chinese company has shown once again how it is focused itself on trying to improve its devices for users, avoiding comparisons with other manufacturers and putting aside artificial intelligence, which makes no sense when it comes to smartphones.

There’s enough talk about AI on smartphones: machine learning is the correct term

Straight to the point. That’s what OnePlus has done once again. They’ve done it by choosing a simple location to present the OnePlus 6, the Copper Box Arena in London’s Olympic Park, where they presented their new device in 45 minutes. The company immediately presented the technical specifications and main functions of the device without any comparisons to Apple or Samsung and without using a term that lately has been brought into play all too often: artificial intelligence.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are not the same thing.

Artificial intelligence for OnePlus? This is a term often used in an inappropriate way because the camera’s recognition of objects and the consequent adaptation of shooting settings is actually the work of machine learning. We can’t really speak of actual artificial intelligence (after all, digital cameras were already able to do this a few years ago). The face recognition used for Face Unlock is also the work of machine learning and not AI, and the brand wants to make this concept clear.

OnePlus 6: What the community wants

David Sanmartin, the brand’s Head of Marketing for Europe, confirmed the brand’s strategy during our chat at the OnePlus 6 launch event: to improve without looking too much at the competition and caring about its users. Moreover, OnePlus is still a small company compared to the other large companies that lead the smartphone market.

Of course, the notch integrated in the device from the outset is not really a user request, but it is also true that a company has to make hard choices. At the moment, the presence of the notch is probably the only way to offer this type of display.

Competitors like Honor and Xiaomi have been expanding worldwide? It’s not a problem for OnePlus if they continue to work on themselves, improve themselves, and aim to continue to grow. The OnePlus 6 was presented for what it is: the best available hardware components in a body with attention to detail, without unnecessary embellishment and without marketing jargon. This is exactly what users are looking for.

The base price of around $600 is very competitive with most other brands, even though the Honor 10 undercuts this price at around $540. These devices, however, are different from each other and come from two Chinese brands that opt for different marketing strategies while addressing a rather similar audience.

What do you think about OnePlus and the new OnePlus 6?

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    Deactivated Account Jun 4, 2018 Link to comment

    Oneplus rejects artificial intelligence? they lack good old fashioned regular intelligence as well. how is this going to work?

  • Rusty H. Jun 1, 2018 Link to comment

    Oppo's OnePlus is 100% about marketing!

  • LeoGouveia Jun 1, 2018 Link to comment

    They talk a lot of "made with and for community". But there's not much "talk with" community in their forums. People are complaining a lot about the camera and asking for software update (since oneplus 5t) and there's only silence from OP.
    I think Xiaomi made a big jump with Mi8, and probably OnePlus will be influenced by it on a possible Oneplus 6t.
    I, personally, don't like these "t" strategy (a new phone every 6 month). I think it was excusable with 3t (snapdragon 810 gate) and maybe with the screen edge to edge on 5t, but what will be the excuses for a 6t?

  • storm Jun 1, 2018 Link to comment

    And the shilling continues...

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