
OnePlus: broken promises and disappointed fans

OnePlus: broken promises and disappointed fans

A promise is a promise - and that's that. For many OnePlus fans, this golden rule has been broken. This is a matter of failed commitments, undelivered updates and bruised egos - and could create serious problems for the CEO Carl Pei.

Rumors are circulating among OnePlus fans. One community member "dsmonteiro" used a Thunderclap campaign to air his frustrations at the company's broken promises. As is often the case in the Android universe, one of the main causes for this anger is updates - or more specifically, the lack thereof. OnePlus had announced it would rollout a huge Android 7.0 Nougat update to all OnePlus 2 devices.

This never came to fruition, and since the launch of OnePlus 3, the company has abandoned its regularly promised updates for the OnePlus 2. Android updates are important, as are regular security updates. OnePlus's commitment was transparent: it had pledged to provide all OnePlus smartphones with regular updates over a 24 months period, starting from the first build of Oxygen OS. In reality, the OnePlus One received its final update in January 2016, adding up to only twelve months worth of support. Similarly, the OnePlus X has been neglected since November - also less than two years.

androidpit oneplus 3t colette edition
OnePlus 3 Colette Edition / © OnePlus

No comment from OnePlus

OnePlus has yet to comment on the issue. One thing is clear - a small problem has the potential to escalate into a PR nightmare when it comes to a manufacturer that is (apparently) so strongly committed to its community of users. OnePlus' charismatic CEO, Carl Pei, has focused the company's efforts on developing new products and features, but their loyal fans want continued support for existing products. Since its founding, OnePlus has depended heavily on the support of their fanbase. It should not take their goodwill for granted. 

Is it too late for OnePlus to redeem itself in the eyes of its community? Have you ever been so utterly disappointed by a manufacturer before? Let us know in the comments below.

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  • storm Apr 21, 2017

    One plus has always underdelivered.

  • Helio4k Apr 21, 2017

    Honestly doesn’t matter if you pay $400 or $1000 what matters is if a company promised something they should deliver, lets be honest its not like its heavy modified that needs a lot of customization like an Samsung device or any other big manufacturer for that matter.


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  • Freddie Knapp Apr 23, 2017 Link to comment

    I just flashed 7.1.1 to my OPO. If you can't do that, you need to buy an iphone from a carrier.

    • Jay Viper Apr 25, 2017 Link to comment

      What's the percentage of phone users that can flash custom ROM on their phone? With your logic, Apple would have 95+ market share!

  • Nuno S. Apr 23, 2017 Link to comment

    OnePlus sucks now, no one gives a shit about them

  • Eddie O'Connor Apr 23, 2017 Link to comment

    As long as there are third party ROM's out there that will continue to push out updates for my OnePlus 2?...then who cares about the "official" updates from OnePlus? Don't get me wrong....I LOVE their devices, and I plan on using my OnePlus 2 until I feel its time for an upgrade.....which probably won't be for a long time to come...since it does everything I want it to. I've got Dirty Unicorns ROM running on it and they've been consistent with updates and patches. Its a good phone and even though there might be some turmoil within?,,,its a good company as well. Compared to the "We Don't Give A Damn About You" mentality of some big name companies?...I'll take OnePlus any day!

  • Jay Viper Apr 23, 2017 Link to comment

    To 1+3/3T users, wait for the release of the next phone and let's see if you still get official updates regularly... ;)

  • joost Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    One plus X: great phone+ good price
    One plus: bad service+ exorbitant delivery costs!
    No more one plus for me: NEVER AGAIN!

  • Bert H. Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    They should and will deliver. Customers like me that have several in my Family and Promote. The basis of their foundation. I'm pretty sure they will have to change this or they will go out of business. It's the basis for their business strategy / model. I am waiting for a while before promoting and buying a new phone. Let's see what happens.

  • Reg Joo Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    Seems like that's the way of android mfgs now , out with the old(and forget it never existed, and rake the$) in with the new. Even google done it, with cancelled projects(ara is one). Some, never speak about their 1year old phone, some promise, then rescind , toss out"maintenance" updates. Some just throw some bug fixes, when the 1~2 year update promise is near it's end, and think their keeping their word. If it wasn't a close enough developers phone(rom friendly) the one plus line, would be gone by now. Actions always speak louder than words.

  • Zeus Legion Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    The OnePlus Two is a fantastic phone. Not so much the company that produces it. With the ironic motto of "Never Settle", OnePlus has expected exactly that from its earlier customers. By not producing regular updates, the one thing a phone maker can do beyond building the phone, they're little better than BLU, another manufacturer known for not providing updates. That all said, there is (fortunately) Lineage OS which is superior to anything OnePlus would have produced anyway. Either way, I am unlikely to purchase from them again in the future.

  • Alex Hamilton-Smith Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    Software updates for oneplus 2, are you serious?? Not only did this device receive poor reviews, it also carries an SoC with fairly serious drawbacks. Don't be babies. You bought a phone at roughly half the price it should have been. If the cost of that is fewer updates in their lowest selling devices then so be it.

    As far as I'm concerned, oneplus produces devices for the modding community, has done since they aligned themselves with cyanogen. These people use magisk, custom ROMs etc. and couldn't give two shits about software updates and they wouldn't be used anyway.

    If you want an update so bad just go install Lineage.

    -previously owner of oneplus 1.
    Now using oneplus 3T midnight black.
    Skipped 2 due to poor reviews.

  • Colton Mandell Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    Everyone bitching about the oneplus 2 needs to just stop. All phones with a snapdragon processor from 2015 need to be abandoned by both the users and the company who made it. There is nothing that oneplus or anyone can do to make a shitty processor (snapdragon 615, 808 or 810) any good. Please air your frustrations at Qualcomm for producing such crap and thank oneplus for making you buy something much much better. **happy oneplus 3 user over here**

  • rajesh Kumar Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    This is my worst experience with one plus.updated 7 1.1 my sims are blocked .one plus is accepting problem is in 7 1.1 update.its been one week my problem as not been solved.i suggest everyone please don't go for one plus I see they are giving all fake promises.

  • Sricharan Chadram Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    It's a mixed kind of experience for me with OnePlus. I can't say it's so good nor bad either. Actually, OP2 was my first heavy budget phone I can say. I was thinking of going for an iPhone that time and have decided to go with this one finally due to the craze of OPO. The experience was gud for few months (around 5-6 months) but now I am feeling like I would have think twice before investing that much in a new brand like OnePlus because of poor support.

  • Chuck Jones Apr 22, 2017 Link to comment

    What's amazing is how long you fanboys put up with the miserably run company by two little boys as a hobby!

    I've been saying since day one, Oneplus is not loyal to any customer, constantly makes bad business decisions, has terrible customer support, no warranty support, and an O.S. supplied by the community!
    Damn near all the original employees have gotten fired or just gave up from Oneplus!

    You fanboys keep giving excuses, to cover up the blatantly bad company ideas.

    It's time to shutdown this definition of a poorly run company, fire the two inept, ignorant boys, and only sell OPPO phones.

    • Luis Pacheco Jul 7, 2017 Link to comment

      yes they are really bad, imagine; send my OP3 to repair (they send UPs to my work place) on a tuesday afternoon and receive it on the next friday, a problem with the camera, 1month out of warranty and pay nothing. BUUU oneplus BUUU

  • Thiago Fernandes Apr 21, 2017 Link to comment

    When you base your whole business model on the support of your fans your main concern should be to keep those people happy. As soon as you make a buck you kick them out and switch to the same model as the big boys? Good luck with that. My money is going somewhere else this time around. P.s. Had the OPO had the OP2 but you ain't taking my money with that hideous HTC meets IPhone monstrosity you call the OP3. And after this FU to all the customers with the latest OP2 update. I see a buyout in your future.

  • Kushagra Sharma Apr 21, 2017 Link to comment

    Damn you oneplus no battery backup just 2 hours and the is vanished like shit please give an update for oneplus two.
    Don't just ignore this phone and even the users we've been a real pain through the invite system, you know very well nowadays the worst smartphone companies are having nougat update
    Please dont ignore the oneplus 2 community. I've been a huge fan of oneplus but now after handling oneplus two. I'm thinking to switch over iphone rather than 3T because after you launch another smartphone you'll neglect that one also. So, I just wanna say that don't spoil your company and your name.

  • Brian Simmons Apr 21, 2017 Link to comment

    Why is anyone surprised at One Plus breaking a promise? Has no one kept up with their long history of making and breaking promises? I'll be more surprised if/when they KEEP a promise that they have made! This company is a complete joke and has been since day one. Their biggest goal is to create a buzz about their products and will say and promise anything to create it - even when they have no intention of living up to their own hype. Why this surprises people is beyond me........

  • Alex Moroni Apr 21, 2017 Link to comment

    got disappointed by OP cause they never were consistent with their updates support, had to flash a custom rom to fix this! sold my OP2 and will never buy a OP phone again

  • Munim Kazia Apr 21, 2017 Link to comment

    I was one of the people who got the OP2 following the hype of OP1. As soon as I started using it, I was shocked by the instability of the device. Random freezes and app crashes.. It was really tiring to use. I have never gone from stock to custom rom on any device faster than OP2. Custom roms have their issue regarding poor battery life and poor camera quality, but atleast its not super frustrating to use the phone.

    This has been my major complaint about OP2 really. I am sad that they are ignoring the phone now regarding new updates, but I am really pissed off that they didn't give this phone the support it needed even when it was the flagship device before OP3. They didn't just forget about OP2, they have been acting as if it never was an important phone for them at all (its like they went straight from OP1 to OP3). They are still trying to fix Android M bugs (pretty important ones that too) for those who didn't bother flashing Lineage or any other custom ROM. Really, what more can one say about its software quality?

    I know op3t is great now, but I also know they will forget about this phone in a couple of months when their next phone comes out. And I am sure op3t will get the an Android O treatment similar to OP2's Android N treatment. That is why I am not falling for the 3t hype.

    I just really can't believe I chose this phone for Nexus 5x, which is still an amazing solid phone with great software.

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