
5G masts burn in the UK as coronavirus conspiracy spreads

5G masts burn in the UK as coronavirus conspiracy spreads

At least three arson attacks on 5G masts were carried out in the UK last week. The reason is said to be a conspiracy theory, according to which 5G radiation is allegedly responsible for the spread of the coronavirus. Meanwhile, YouTube is taking action against the further spread of the theory.

The higher wave frequency of 5G has been criticized in recent years. Apart from verifiable facts, such as the heating of tissue by electromagnetic radiation, there was also speculation about the future mobile radio standard that could not be sufficiently proven.

Recent conspiracy theories revolve around the coronavirus, according to which the installation of 5G masts is responsible for the fact that the world is now so badly affected by COVID-19. The radiation makes human cells more vulnerable to viruses. Another conspiracy theory says that the coronavirus has been used as a diversionary tactic to cover up the health damage caused by 5G radiation. In late 2019, numerous 5G radio masts were installed in China, prompting conspiracy theorists to link the outbreak of the virus to 5G. "Absolute nonsense, the worst kind of fake news," says Stephen Powis, medical advisor to the British government according to the German publication, Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Last week there were arson attacks on 5G masts in the cities of Birmingham, Liverpool and Melling in Merseyside. The damage is enormous. The British police are investigating the course of events. The large British mobile phone company EE Limited sharply condemned the acts. It is reckless, dangerous and harmful to cut off mobile connectivity at a time when people need to stay connected more than ever.

YouTube deletes conspiracy theories and fake news about COVID-19

Even before the arson attacks, cases where engineers and construction workers were attacked have been reported. The British umbrella organization, Mobile UK, reported attacks on employees involved in the 5G expansion. Experts agree that 5G technology has nothing to do with the spread of the coronavirus. Nevertheless, conspiracy theories are still being spread - mostly via YouTube and Facebook groups. Google now wants to take action against conspiracy theories, as The Guardian reports. The video portal is already taking action against the spread of questionable "alternative" coronavirus treatment methods.

Google reacted after Vodafone and o2 announced the latest arson attacks on their own 5G masts. According to reports, videos that link 5G to the coronavirus will be removed from the platform and demonetized. Since the beginning of February, YouTube has also deleted numerous videos that spread dangerous or misleading information about the virus. The social network Facebook has not yet expressed its opinion on the fight against the 5G fake news. Again and again, dangerous fake news can be found on the portal. Most recently, a headline circulated confirming the closure of all Kaufland stores due to the spread of COVID-19 in Germany. The news was quickly distributed and shared via WhatsApp. Kaufland responded immediately with a correction.

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  • teatv Apr 6, 2020 Link to comment

    youtube is doing great job regarding covid-19 and this thing is required according to time

  •   46
    Deactivated Account Apr 6, 2020 Link to comment

    Only one thing is responsible for the pandemic, That thing is China's communist party. Their lies and deception from the start is why we are where we are. I just hope this opens the eyes of world leaders to what they really are. Now they want to capitalize on this and try to play the hero when they are the problem.

  • marco sarli
    • Admin
    Apr 6, 2020 Link to comment

    Apparently there is no limit to stupidity.

    ElfynDeactivated Account

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