
Poll: Is Android 10 Google's best version ever?

Poll: Is Android 10 Google's best version ever?

The announcement of the final name of Android Q (Android 10) aroused enthusiasm in the press, but what about with the users? Is this new version, which finally arrived on September 3, really worth all of the fuss? Share your opinion and discover what our community thinks: Is Android 10 the best Android version of all time?

KitKat had marked a minor evolution in design since Jelly Bean, Lollipop was a real turnaround with its Material Design, Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo and Pie added many features that have now become essential for users.

However, in recent years, interest in new versions of Android has declined somewhat among some users. Android 10 seems to mark a moment of maturity of Android. New gesture controls have been added, such as the introduction of a dark mode at the system level, allowing users to switch between light and dark themes in all applications with a single button.

Considering the new features of Android 10, especially in terms of design and connectivity, do you think it is the best version of Android ever released so far?

What is the best version of Android ever created?
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  • CJ Brown Sep 8, 2019 Link to comment

    You want me to vote for a version of Android OS I don't even have? Yeah right! Android as an OS has been fairly stable since Lollipop OS 5.0 .... but the same problem remains - updated Android OS roll-out!

    I just barely got OS 9.0 Pie! I applaud the more mature approach to naming of the OS - Android 10 - now put project treble to use! If you are using Android OS? You should guarantee Consumers at least 1 OS update (or you should face a penalty from Google!)

  •   10
    Deactivated Account Sep 8, 2019 Link to comment

    From version to version, those functions were added to Android that were not even introduced by manufacturers of smartphones, tablets, TVs, watches, bracelets, for the most part, enthusiasts who brought in those custom assemblies exactly those “tricks” that they lacked in a "clean" system, i.e. in fact, tweaks were created (by analogy with Windows; MacOS (Hackintosh) and iOS (Jailbreak). Android, by itself, is a pretty good system, but to pass off as innovations that was earlier is rather laughable, or reaction: "Well, finally, wait!" Although, the technological breakthrough from Q is not worth denying.

  • storm Sep 7, 2019 Link to comment

    Best version? One with root. It's my device, I should have ultimate control. I've had root on everything from Honeycomb to Oreo. Pie and 10 await rooting for me still. When Google offers root from first boot, I'll vote for that one.

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    • marco sarli
      • Admin
      Sep 8, 2019 Link to comment

      Agreed. Root should be available from the beginning to everybody

      Deactivated Account

  • Rusty H. Sep 7, 2019 Link to comment

    Shoot...Android for me, has pretty much been stable, since Lollipop. Other than some new gimmicks, I really haven't noticed much difference.

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