
Poll: what was the best Android game of 2018?

Poll: what was the best Android game of 2018?

Since the year is coming to an end, it's time to take stock of the best games that were released in 2018. We've discussed and reviewed many that came out this year in our articles. Yet, the question is - out of all these games, which had the greatest impact on you?

In this poll, we want to find out what you think the best game of the year was. It's of course difficult to choose just one, especially from a list, which includes multiple genres. That being said, there's probably one you appreciate more than others or one that you'd take with you to a desert island. Here's our selection: it's up to you to express your opinion. If you have a write-in candidate, let us know in the comments section!

Fortnite is obviously one of the most popular games, but it's not new. The game recently celebrated its first birthday and has been available on iOS for quite a while now. However, that doesn't change the fact that its arrival on Android occurred in 2018. Of course, Fortnite for Android isn't available on the Play Store, but you can download it from the game's official website.

Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (or PUBG) is probably the other big title of 2018. It's very popular among both our readers and editors, and its release was a big deal in general.

Screenshot 20180903 183216 Fortnite
Fortnite isn't officially available on the Play Store. / AndroidPIT (screenshot)

These two games are probably the most popular, but you'll find many others in the survey below. Let us know which your favorite is!

What was your favorite Android game of 2018?
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