
Which of these hypothetical game streaming services do you want to see?

Which of these hypothetical game streaming services do you want to see?

We truly are on the verge of the video game streaming age. During E3 2019, Google finally lifted the lid on its Stadia online gaming service. But Google is not alone, with major names in gaming all competing to be the kings of video game streaming. Who would you like to see join the race?

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So far, we have a fairly good idea of who the runners in this race will be. Google, of course, has its Stadia. Microsoft has its Xbox Game Pass, which was probably the first of these streaming services to pick up the nickname "the Netflix for video games", which is what everyone is vying for. Sony, with its PlayStation Now, has been doing this video game streaming thing for a while, but has never really taken it to the levels that Google is promising with Stadia.

Players on PC have options too, with Nvidia GameStream and Steam Link. Now, rumors are starting to circulate about others getting in on the action. This week, Nintendo confirmed that it was "evaluating" a video game streaming service, which of course means nothing but will still excite fans. The Japanese company has not really been on the cutting edge of gaming tech for the last decade or so, choosing instead to focus on its hugely popular original IPs and characters.

Then there is Netflix. If the word on the street this week is to be believed, Netflix itself could be about the enter the race to become the Netflix of video games. After all, the streaming giant is already dipping its toes into video games

netflix 02 copy
Maybe Netflix will be the first Netflix for games. / © NextPit

Anyway, with seemingly everyone wanting to grab a slice of the video game streaming pie, we thought we ask you a question. Which if these hypothetical video game streaming services would get you excited?

If you have another suggestion that was not one of the options in our poll, leave us a comment and pitch your own hypothetical game streaming service.

Which of these hypothetical game streaming services do you want to see?
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  • storm Jun 16, 2019 Link to comment

    subscription gaming seems a very expensive way to game. and how is the experience when you have to be offline?