
Paid apps and games for free: get these deals while you can

Paid apps and games for free: get these deals while you can

There are a lot of free apps available on the Play Store, but let's face it, often you get what you pay for and many of the best apps and games on Google Play demand some money. But many premium apps also go on sale temporarily...and once you download them, they're yours forever. Here are some paid apps and games that are now free for a limited time. Grab them for free while you can!

Free games 

androidpit best games 26
Hitman Sniper is a great game to pick up for free. / © NextPit

Free apps

backup share
App Backup & Share Pro / © NextPit (screenshot)

Have you tried any apps and games in this selection? Are there any you would like to recommend?


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  • steve May 29, 2019 Link to comment

    Hitman sniper aint free in the uk.!

  • Albin Foro Oct 18, 2018 Link to comment

    None of these, but I have noticed it's worth scrolling down to the "Apps on sale" section of Google Play Store now and then - since I disable automatic app updating to review changes to apps already installed, that's an occasion to look at what's on offer. Sometimes I "purchase" an interesting app for sale free, even if not immediately wanted, then save it as an APK, and uninstall it - it's available for future use without clogging the device.