
You will soon get 50% battery in just five minutes of charging on Android

You will soon get 50% battery in just five minutes of charging on Android

Tired of waiting forever for your smartphone to charge? That could all be about to change. We've seen the rise of fast-charging systems from the likes of Oppo, OnePlus, and Samsung that go up to 65W, but 100W charging is about to become a reality. Meet Qualcomm's Quick Charge 5 technology.

Quick Charge 5 becomes the world’s first commercially viable fast charging platform to support more than 100W charging power in a smartphone. Qualcomm claims this will allow you to charge devices from 0 to 50 percent battery in just five minutes. That figure is based on a 4,500 mAh battery. It will take slightly longer to charge flagship smartphones with 5,000 mAh batteries.

As well as speed, the maker of the Snapdragon smartphone chips says it has made efficiency improvements compared to previous versions while enabling new battery technology, accessories, and safety features.

Quick Charge 5 supports devices that fall into the 3.3V to 20V range. The numbers for zero to fifty percent are impressive, but a full charge should also be achievable in just 15 minutes. This would put an end to almost all battery life issues. In theory, you could plug your phone in before brushing your teeth in the morning and it would be completely full before you'd finished flossing.

Unlike Oppo's proprietary fast-charging technology, rumored to be going up to 125W, which is tied to Oppo smartphones, Qualcomm Quick Charge 5 is a platform and thus is supported by all smartphones running a modern Snapdragon chipset. Zhang Lei, Mi Phone vice president and hardware R&D general manager at Xiaomi, confirmed that the brand would be using the new charging tech: "Xiaomi has always been committed to proactively driving the adoption of new technologies and accelerating the fulfillment of enhanced experiences. In the future, more Xiaomi users will be able to enjoy high-speed, safe, and superior charging experiences enabled by Quick Charge 5."

Quick Charge 5 is currently sampling with customers and is expected to appear in commercial devices in Q3 2020. Quick Charge 5 is supported on Snapdragon 865 and 865 Plus smartphones. That includes the Samsung S20 series, the OnePlus 8 Pro, and the Sony Xperia 1 II.

qc quickcharge5 infographic final v2
The new 100W fast-charging platform in numbers. © Qualcomm

Are you excited by 100W fast-charging? Let us know in the comments section below.

Source: Qualcomm

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  • marco sarli
    • Admin
    Jul 30, 2020 Link to comment

    I have a 5000 mah battery, several power banks and I never have problems. I can not remember the last time I ran out of power

  • Goldvin Jul 29, 2020 Link to comment

    Interesting how quickly battery capacity will be reduced)