
Rant of the week: have OEMs become lazy?

Rant of the week: have OEMs become lazy?

Compare the HTC One M7 with the M8, do you see a difference? Well I don’t. Are big OEMS getting lazy, to the point where they use the same recipe year after year?

aufreger der woche
 © ollyy/ Shutterstock/AndroidPIT 

One year ago with the launch of the Galaxy S4, the critics were appalled: why is the new flagship so similar to its predecessor? The same thing happened yet again with the Galaxy S5. At the end of the day, would you say it doesn’t matter if it looks like the S4, since it is supposed to (one of) the best smartphones right now?

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The S5 on the left, with the S4 on the right.  / © NextPit

Yes, but it’s starting to get on my nerves. The PR campaigns linked to these new devices promise a revolution, something extraordinary, incredible...and at the day of the presentation, we discover yet another smartphone that is identical to its siblings, with maybe one or two extra features. It just leaves everyone feeling disappointed.

The HTC One (M8) on the left and the HTC One (M7) on the right.  © NextPit

During the MWC 2014, we were able to chat with Sony and Samsung. During the workshop with Sony, one of the reps explained their goals: it doesn’t matter if they come out with the best of the best, as long as they come up with something of quality. When we asked Samsung the same question, their answer was:

Our aim is to be the first to come with the next best thing.

We can grant them coming up some things first, but it’s not necessarily the best of the best. And for such a high price, it’s certain that we expect much more from these big manufacturers. On the other hand though, it’s best to stay realistic. The ultimate innovation won’t come anymore, or for a long time, at least in the way of design. We’ve come so far in such a short period of time that it’s hard to imagine that a revolutionary phone is around the corner, even if many are hoping that Project Ara will change that. Even the OnePlus One and Oppo Find 7 are supposed to be game-changers, but even they look like the Nexus 5.

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The Z1 in the back with the Z2 in front. / © NextPit

Our smartphones are becoming accessories: the Apple phenomenon is the proof of this. With an iPhone or a Galaxy S4 at our sides, this helps us to situate ourselves socially. Manufacturers therefore need to come along for the ride, because styles change, and they do every year. So make us dream, and bring changes, we want something revolutionary, something exceptional! Because at the moment, we are still waiting.

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  • Johnny May 19, 2014 Link to comment

    Since you seem to be new to technology let me inform you it goes in phases. There are not bus speed, graphics, processor or memory advances in technology every year. There are always up and down years, normally there will be a couple down years in the cycle then back to about 4 up years. If your expecting it to always be a up year then you need a new perspective.

  • Random Username May 18, 2014 Link to comment

    I don't mind. Nobody forces you to always have the newest phone!