
Spotify: new features discovered for free users

Spotify: new features discovered for free users

In the depths of the Spotify app, a number of features have been discovered that the developers are apparently working on at the moment. Among them is a helpful feature that should especially please free users of the streaming service.

The new features were found and shown by Jane Manchun Wong, who is known to find previously unseen features in apps or services. In the past days she had discovered several new features in the app of the streaming service Spotify and showed them off on Twitter.

Especially interesting for the free Spotify users might be a hint to an offline function. In a future version of the app it could be possible that non-paying listeners will also be able to access downloaded songs for a limited period of time – currently shown is 30 minutes per day – without internet access.

A karaoke mode, which Wong discovered in the app, should also be very popular. As expected, it shows the lyrics of the song currently playing. Furthermore, the strength of the voices in the song should be adjustable. There are hints that this feature works in iPhone, iPad and also Mac.

Spotify: New feature for podcasts and playlists

For Spotify's podcast listeners, the developers are also apparently working on the possibility of saving specific episodes. This allows you to create a simple list of favorites, which is helpful if you want to remember a certain podcast, for example.

A feature that seems unusual at first glance is an "auto-refresh" of playlists. The exact idea behind the feature, which apparently can be activated for any playlist, is unknown so far. However, the description suggests that Spotify automatically adds new songs to a given playlist and updates them regularly. Songs that you have added manually will not be touched.

Jane Manchun Wong has discovered several other features in Spotify that have not yet been presented. These include a redesigned mode for use in the car, for example, where the buttons have been enlarged for safer operation while driving.

With all these hints, however, it must be noted that the features have not yet been finalized. So it may well be that Spotify decides to change or completely scratch the mentioned features.

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  • Blyssee 8 months ago Link to comment

    Wow. Looking forward the 30 minutes offline listening feature. I am considering to purchase Tunelf Spotibeat Music Converter to download Spotify playlist to MP3 then I can listen offline without premium.