
Telegram: Here is how to make a group video call

Telegram: Here is how to make a group video call

A year after it was announced, Telegram is finally allowing group video calls. With the new feature, the messaging app wants to solidify its status as an alternative to WhatsApp. We show you how the group video calls work!

  • Telegram allows group video calls with up to 30 participants.
  • A screen sharing and noise cancellation feature has also been unveiled.
  • The participant limit is expected to be expanded "soon".
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This is what group video calls look like on Telegram / © NextPit

If you carefully read the Telegram blog post on June 25, you can see that the article explains that "Voice calls in any group can now be intuitively switched to group video calls".

NextPit took a look at the new Telegram feature for you and shows you how the group calls with video work. First, you need to create a group and then a group voice chat before finally setting up the group video call.

Set up Telegram video call on Android: Here is how it works step by step

  1. Create a Telegram group (Hamburger menu top left > New group).
  2. Create a Telegram group or go to an existing group of which you are the admin. You must be an admin.
  3. Tap the group banner to see the details, then tap the Hamburger menu in the top right.
  4. Select Create Voice Chat.
  5. Once the group voice chat is created, press the "Camera" button at the bottom left of the screen.
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Creating a group video call on Telegram isn't quite as intuitive / © NextPit

Setting up Telegram video call on iOS: Here's how to do it step by step

With an iPhone, it works a little differently:

  1. First, also set up a new group. To do this, click on the icon for a new entry in the top right corner.
  2. Click on New group.
  3. Select the members of your choice and click on Next.
  4. Enter a group name and close the menu. Then you are also in the group menu. Of course, you can also select a group of which you are the admin.
  5. Click on the group symbol in the upper right corner of the display.
  6. By clicking on the middle button Voice Chat you can start the chat. As soon as the call is active, you can click on Camera in the bottom left corner and the video call will start.
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Step by step to video call on Telegram with a whole group on iOS / © NextPit

Group video calls on Telegram: What features?

In terms of features, there is the same scope as any other video calling app. Clicking on a participant's window brings them to the front. Pinning is also possible, so the participant always stays pinned - even when new participants join the call.

Group voice chats on Telegram have no limit on participants, but video calls are currently limited to 30 callers. Telegram has also implemented a screen sharing feature, as well as one to mute ambient noise.

Source: Telegram

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