
Tesla's autonomous 'robotaxis' will arrive in 2020

Tesla's autonomous 'robotaxis' will arrive in 2020

After Tesla shares fell 38% following the explosion of a Model S in Shanghai and a day before releasing the company's quarterly results, Elon Musk has unveiled some of the automaker's plans. "I am very confident in predicting autonomous 'robotaxis' for next year," said Tesla CEO during Tesla Autonomy Day. But "not in all jurisdictions because we will not have regulatory approval everywhere," he added.

These stand-alone taxis - let's say, without a driver - are intended as carpooling that works in a similar way to Uber or Cabify. To do this, Tesla could even add a carpooling application so that participating owners can benefit from it. Thus "the fundamental utility of cars is multiplied by five," said Musk.

AndroidPIT tesla model 3 steering wheel
The autonomous Tesla will be everywhere next year / © NextPit

Stand-alone vehicles have a built-in neural network chip that meets the hardware requirements for the robotaxi function, i.e. radars and sensors capable of avoiding obstacles and achieving optimum driving without the need for someone behind the wheel as such. The hardware is there, it just requires improved software.

"If we move forward a year, maybe a year three months, we'll have more than a million robo-taxis on the road."

Where there are not too many Tesla owners, the company itself will provide its own vehicles for these shared purposes.

It will now have to be seen in which territories it will be possible for this to happen, as the laws are not fully developed in this regard. And it will also have to be seen whether all the predictions of Elon Musk, who, as we all know, likes to talk a lot, are fulfilled. Maybe too much. He also commented that the Tesla will be able to be completely autonomous by the end of this year (self-driving) and that in two years they will have cars without steering wheel and without pedals. We'll see...

Source: Engadget

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  • Sahana Sri Apr 24, 2019 Link to comment

    Thanks for sharing this Article we will waiting for tesla autonomous robotaxis....