
Tesla is on the way to a new record

Tesla is on the way to a new record

After a few setbacks in the past, Tesla has made progress in the production of its vehicles. As evidenced by an internal email from Elon Musk, the brand's famous boss, to employees, the American car manufacturer could set a new record for car deliveries in the second quarter of 2019.

While Tesla's stock is somewhat down for the moment, with the price at its lowest level since 2016, and below $200, the manufacturer is nevertheless heading toward some good news. Tesla is expected to beat the 90,700 units delivered to its customers in the last quarter of 2018. In concrete terms, Tesla would be able to manufacture 900 Model 3s per day, almost meeting Musk's target of 7,000 per week by the end of June.

If this expectation comes to pass, Tesla could be profitable again in this quarter. This would be a delight for Musk and his employees because in the first three months of the year, Tesla lost $702 million due to late deliveries.

AndroidPIT tesla model 3 front2
The Tesla Model 3 production problems now seem to be over. AndroidPIT

This good news should also be reassuring investors who are worried about the brand's recurring production problems and the possible repercussions of tensions between China and the United States. Orders also seem to be still going strong, Elon Musk mentions 50,000 new orders this quarter.

Do you think Tesla can become one of the biggest car manufacturers?

Source: Electrek

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