
Elon Musk wants to bring the Cuphead game to Tesla's in-car display

Elon Musk wants to bring the Cuphead game to Tesla's in-car display

This is not the first time that Elon Musk has announced extravagant initiatives concerning his electric vehicles. This time, however, he is perhaps exaggerating. Cuphead, the bullet hell game developed by MDHR, is going to come to all Teslas... The question is, why?

This announcement came during Musk's appearance on the IGN Tesla podcast, Ride the Lightning. The extravagant genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist said that the Cuphead game is coming to the in-car display of all Tesla Model 3, Model X and Model S vehicles. According to Musk, the game would already be able to run on the hardware of his company's EVs thanks to the compatibility of the system used with the graphics engine, Unity, on which the frantic game is based.

In a subsequent chat with Maja Moldenhauer, producer and artist of the studio, McCaffrey received confirmation that the game is capable of being played optimally, even though the limitations of the Tesla's storage space do not allow the entire game to be downloaded. Only the first island, called Inkwell, will be playable. You'll also need to connect a USB controller to your car to enjoy the game.

It is not the first game to be announced for Tesla's operating system. Some Atari arcade games are already present and playable on the American electric cars, of course when the car is not moving. However, the question arises: why are resources being used for this type of development?

Tesla is not going through one of its best periods, financially, and accidents due to the use of autopilot (although it blames distracted drivers) are far too frequent. Why not use the resources to improve the basic functions of the car before thinking of such, albeit amusing and unique, frivolities?

However, there are still many questions regarding the game that need to be answered. For example, will the game be free or will it become the first paid downloadable game for cars?

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  • AlexMsr 6 months ago Link to comment

    It's not a good idea)