
Tesla: Supercharger V3 charging stations are 50% faster!

Tesla: Supercharger V3 charging stations are 50% faster!

Tesla has unveiled its new fast charging technology for cars called Supercharger V3. This new system allows you to recharge your car up to 50% faster allowing you to earn about 120km of autonomy with just 5 minutes of charging!

The Tesla Supercharger V3 charging stations promise to improve the quality of life of owners of compatible electric cars by a little bit. For example, the charging system allows you to recover up to 120km (75 miles) of autonomy in 5 minutes to the new Model 3 Long Range or 1600km (1000 miles) every hour.

To supply all this energy there will be a new central power station able to supply up to 1MW of power that is then divided between the various towers up to a maximum of 250kW peak each.

Announced also a software mode called "On-Route Battery Warmup" that allows you to pre-heat the battery while you are still traveling to bring it to optimal charging conditions and save valuable minutes once connected to the EV network. Tesla says that On-Route Battery Warmup can reduce charging times by 25% when using 120W charging and by 50% when using 250W charging.

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Impressive. / © Tesla

The new Supercharger V3 stations will for the moment only be fully usable by Tesla Model 3 owners as Model S and X support a maximum charging speed of 120W. This value could be increased up to 145W with a future software update.

What do you think about fast charging in cars?

Source: Tom's Hardware

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